There is little doubt that we are currently witnessing a world-wide phenomenon of Torah-loving and Torah-studying groups, coming into existence at a rate and a scale that is truly astonishing. In South Africa alone, there is hardly a town or a city or a municipal area where one will not find at least one such a group. We are not talking about Jewish communities or any of the traditional forms of Judaism, or Christianity for that matter. This is about believers in Y’shua the Messiah, among the nations of the world, who have all made the “surprising” discovery that the Torah is part and parcel of their lifestyle and belief as followers of Messiah.
This blog post is an effort to create a platform where existing or new TRACE (Torah-Reading-And-Commandment-Embracing) GROUPS may be discovered and where individual believers may come into contact with such a group within their own area. Perhaps this platform may even encourage some to get together with others and start a new group (or groups) from scratch. Remember, two or three people are enough to be able to take hands and study Torah together! If you’re involved with such a group – big or small – or would like to share with, or learn from others, PLEASE SEND YOUR COMMENTS and help us to kick start the process of “tracing” Torah lovers – not only in South Africa, but also abroad.
To get your group listed, use the comment form below, or email if you wish, and send us (1) a descriptive name of your group (like “Family Brown”, “Pretoria South”, “Impala Street” – any name that describes your group), (2) the day and time of the week when your group assembles, (3) Optional: the exact address (Google recognizable) where your group assembles, (4) a name, contact number and email address that may help those who wish to visit and (5) a website address, if applicable. Click on the existing pointers on the map below to get an idea of what we are looking for. We shall publish your group’s detail on our interactive map soon after hearing from you, so that our database of TRACE groups may grow and become as comprehensive as possible.