I have a few comments on The Word of YAH - The King's Covenant - The Original Scriptures E1, which I humbly submit for your consideration.
First, in "How to Know Your Creator through Science" (pgs 4-6) I get the impression that the authors believe in the "day-age" theory, which combines some tenets of evolution (the Big Bang, each day of Creation must be thousands or millions of years) with the Genesis account of Creation. This theory is in direct violation of Genesis 1, which clearly states that the Creation was accomplished in six days, and the seventh day, God "rested." It even defines "day" as "evening and morning." It also states that the Creation began from the dark, cold, empty (formless and void) "waters", over which the Spirit of God "brooded." God never said, "Let there be a big bang." He did say, "Let there be light." This was clearly the point at which Yashua (who is the Light of the World) stepped into His universe, giving form, structure, and energy to the dark waters. This is also the point at which all "natural law" began, and why the Scripture says "all things were created IN Him (Christ - Col. 1:16)" . It happened on "the first day", leaving no room for the millions of years that natural evolution requires.
Second, though I agree with many of the things mentioned above, there is one thing that nobody seems to be mentioning. It was GOD Himself who confused the languages. (Gen. 11:6-8; Isa. 28:11) And it will eventually be God who will straighten them out (Isa. 33:19; Zeph. 3:9 ff) This last passage is very interesting. It essentially says, "ALL the earth will be devoured by the fire of My zeal. For THEN I will change to the peoples a clear lip (removes the curse of Bable) so that ALL of them may call on the (correct) name of YHWH."
Obviously, this has not yet happened. Thus, it seems to me that we are stuck with languages and translations until it does. Then there is that famous passage in Hebrews 9:8-12. Then, we won't have to "teach everyone his brother saying, 'Know YHWH', for ALL shall know Me from the least to the greatest of them."
Therefore, though The Word of YAH does have some interesting and thought-provoking points, I believe they are pushing the wrong cart. NOBODY knows the original language from before the Tower of Babel, and there are no extant manuscripts that old. To try to reconstruct the original language among a people (like myself) raised on American English is pushing something that will never happen. It was a struggle to read even the simplest paragraphs, dotted as they were with unpronounceable names. That is not how you win people to your cause! You build bridges, and make it as easy as possible for the reader to make the transition.
Yes, the way is narrow and few there be that find it. The many-membered Bride of Christ will be relatively small. But I would like all people to at least have a chance at hearing and understanding the Gospel, and artificially limiting it to those who can pronounce the Savior's name in a foreign language seems to me a rather backwards way to start.
On the other hand, I have spent over 20 years seeking and asking the Holy Spirit for an acceptable way to address our Savior. For the first decade, I was comfortable with "The Lord Jesus Christ." Then I learned a little modern Hebrew and started using "Yeshua ha Maschiach." That later changed to "Yashua," with the emphasis on the first syllable out of honor to YHWH, which is what I still use. But of course I am totally happy with the right of each believer to seek and find for him/herself the pronunciation of 'the ineffable name, above all names" however the Holy Spirit has led him/her so far. As I said, none of us knows for sure how it should be pronounced in ancient Hebrew. We are all learning / growing.
As near as I can trace, Arphaxad son of Shem son of Noah brought the original ancient Hebrew with him when he came down from Aratta and settled in Ur, (site of the burned out Tower of Babel). He named it "Ur Kasday" after his youngest son Kesed (well before the Chaldeans took over). The ancient Hebrew language came to be called "Kasdan". It was known at that time by all the Magi, and gave them power, as it was the only language which could actually be understood by most people. However, when the Magi died out after the time of Daniel, Kasdan was completely lost. I don't believe it will be restored until the "new heavens and the new earth" when "all things shall be restored."
So here is my suggestion for the authors of The Word of YAH. Take out all the ancient and unpronounceable names and put them in a list at the back. Use the correct English (or whatever language you are writing in) version of the name, so the common people can actually read your work. Perhaps make some suggestions on the possible pronunciation and spelling of "the Name above all Names", but don't be dogmatic about it. Give each believer the freedom to seek the Savior for how He would prefer to be addressed.
And don't try to combine godless evolution with the Creation story. The Word of God has far more power than any of us can comprehend.
Thank you for listening.
Paul Lindberg
Hi Ramona,
What is it that you want to know?
Hi Morne,
I agree fully with your comments.
May I keep in touch with you somehow?
BTW, dear friends,
Why do so many criticize The Word of YAH yet have no "original Scriptures" themselves? Is their "god" not able to preserve his word? YAHUWAH created the whole universe and promised through YAHUWsha (MtYAHUW 5:18) to preserve perfectly His Word on earth, didn't He? So if The ROS and MurasUW texts are not preserved by our Father, then which ones are?
Also many just accept blindly Yahweh, Isaiah, Jesus or Yeshua. You criticise the simple proofs of AHleleUU-YAH, YAHUWdAH and YeshaYAHUW as YAH's simple guides to calling upon Him. Instead, you blindly accept many Jewish traditions as from YAH, the same ones our Savior rebuked the Pharisee's for. Read the Word of YAH and ask YAHUWAH for His Wisdom. He will tell you! He is love, honestness and permanency. He never changes and He is sending Truth to you today!
RaphAH ("The Healer is YAH's Love")
Hi beloved,
The ROS text do not agree with the Jewish Torah in several ways. First, YAHUWAH nevers breaks His own Word! Murder is always sin (6th Covenant Law). El YAH never murders. He never commanded us to wipe out a whole town because of one unbeliever as in Dt 13. He never told YAsarel to kill women and children and animals when taking back their land. He never drowned all the world's infants in Noah's flood. YAHUWsha the Son gave His life for sinners. Children are accountable at 20 yrs old from conception but only rarely does El YAH intervene and bring a judgment of death upon sinners before their natural death. He desires all to be saved. He never said to murder your child if he disobeys you! Look into your heart for El YAH's primary innate Word on murder being wrong, especially with women and children. Do you worship a Father and Savior who murders children as the Jews and their Torah teach? That's Islamic terrorism. YAHUWAH is not the author of the Quran or the Mishnah. Enough religious and race wars justifying "godly murder"! If you agree that murder (not righteous judgment) is always sin, then repent of following every religion that teaches murder is ok. Otherwise, you break the Covenant of YAHUWAH, right?
This will leave you with only the Original Scriptures and "those called by His Name", the "YAHUWda"!
Blessings to you precious seekers and thousands of "silent YAHUWda."
The Word of YAH is translated from YAHUWdi, not Greek texts. It will not agree with texts which hide YAHUWAH's and YAHUW's saving Name and so freely change YAH's Original Word, as you have criticized it with. Blessings and Ahabi
Dear John and fellow seekers of El YAH,
I am RaphAH, a secondary editor of The Word of YAH. I am so sorry it has not blessed you. I take the responsibility in sharing it too soon. It was translated to solve the confusion caused by Jews, Christians and Messianics. Our loving Father YAH preserved it only for those lovers of YAHUWsha hungry for more. Please forgive me for making it available to so many without a more gentle introduction. We are preparing the 140 year old NISB which will do exactly that. Blessings to you all. We YAHUWdi do love you very much!
Shalom, RaphAH
I am sorry to inform you, your opinion and writings are of this world, until you are truly saved, whatever you are saying and know now, will only confuse every-one who are also a serious seeker of the truth, as well as yourself. You are like the a leaf that's tossed around by a stormy sea, or a strong wind.
I am praying to Yahweh that you will be stopped dead in your tracks and repent all your sins, please take note that you words are like a small spark that starts a flame, that will end up in a roaring fire, this is what you are doing to the minds and the beliefs of others who might not be so strong in their faith. Go forth and talk no more until you have met Yeshua in His Spirit and allow His Spirit to enter your own soul and Spirit and become one with Him, then you will not be so uncertain about yourself and others. You will experience His LOVE and experience His Peace that goes beyond human understanding. So please be quite!! in the name of Yeshua!!!
I will NOT dispute with you about Orginal Scriptures or not. I just tell you about the Truth, if you have ears open for the Truth, NOT some man's fables.
1) Long hair so called 'Jesus' of 'universal christianity' is diabolical lie and deception of Constantine doctrine from year 325, NEVER true biblical 'Jesus' ( Hebrew YASHUWAH the Messiah)
2) All religious images in any form graven, molten, painted etc... (including: hexagram star, cross, crucifix and this pagan false Messiah long hair so called 'Jesus' represent abominable idols and tools of diabolical deception).
3) True and correct name of the Almighty Elohim is YASHUWAH.
4) The Almighty Elohim revealed in the flesh is called Son of Elohim and His name is YASHUWAH the Messiah (the Anointed)
John Wilson
André, I am glad that you like the Elim Website. The word "Elohim" means "mighty one" or "mighty ones" and is used in Scriptures both with reference to the Almighty (singular) and to the foreign mighty ones (plural) of other nations. I see no reason for us not to use the word with reference to the Almighty, when the very same word was used in this manner in the majority of the books of the Pre-messianic Scriptures, and has been used in a similar manner in the subsequent writings based upon Scriptures, over the centuries, up till this day.
Vernit, I agree with you that believers all over the world deserve a clear and unambiguous apology for being introduced with the so-called Original Scriptures, only to find out that these claims were, in fact, very far from true and that the "translation" in question was polluted with blatant human error and countless completely unacceptable occurrences of Scriptures being twisted to fit in with human doctrine.
Shalom after a long absence.The publishers of OSE1 have admitted to using the ASV & World English Bible as an underLYING source text... suddenly they come clean & act as if they have never lied about it... as if it was common knowledge. "...we honor hundreds of good pre-YAn secondary manuscript english translators by lawfully using the excellent word-for-word ASV (1901) and its revision WEB (in progress)..." (Ralph C. Bethea Jr.) http://theoriginalscriptures.wordpress.com/ - And his knowledge of Hebrew is refuted here: Website: http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/9_home.html
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SoNiY-2rjoEnjoyand Shalom
I am impressed and glad for finding YAHUWAHans in SA. I like your site.
However why do you use the term "Elohim" which means "foreign gods"? Please correct me, with facts, if I am wrong.
Andre Malan
It's hard to find educated people in this particular topic, but you seem like you know what you're talking about!
I'm not sure I'm adequate to debate with any scholars about some of these topics but I do have a question about what you just said. I think you are drawing a conclusion that there is just ONE name for salvation, YHUH (or YHWH) right? I guess I can see how that might be true pre-crucifixtion. We do know that many of our forefathers were/are saved by faith and without knowing the actual "name" of Yeshua. But.................why did Yeshua have another name to begin with? Wouldn't it have been just as easy for the angel to tell Mary to name her son YHUH? AND.........why did Yeshua's name have such power associated with it during His ministry and why did He Himself, declare that same message? Why another name if all was needed was YHUH? And really, isn't the faith that saved our forefathers, the same faith that saves us? Aren't we both calling on the Messiah that was prophesied; they- before His sacrifice; us-after His sacrifice? And doesn't that "Annointed One" have a different name than His Father?
Maybe I'm being too dogmatic. When I pray, I have always prayed to the Father even though it is by Yeshua that I can come into the Throne Room and by His Ruah that I hear Him. Yeshua prayed to His Father as well. He did not pray to the Ruah. Yeshua is the means by which we come to the Father. So when the dust is all settled, I can see your point that we're all needing reconciliation to the Father. But HE is the one who determined there would be a Son and a Spirit, not us. Who are we to ignore that, lessen their importance their name or change/delete/substitute/disregard etc, a different name?
Just wondering......
btw, I have a new bible. It's the Halleluyah Scriptures and it's quite an amazing story itself. You should all do some research.
I am thankful for and encouraged by your very gracious message concerning Ralph, especially since I was not so forgiving with him. But you have demonstrated a great thing: "Let’s all please remember that if YHWH looks upon any of us apart from the blood of Messiah, we look just like Ralph." Thank you for putting everything in perspective.
Since going into and coming out of the group that he has online, I have come to understand we do not need a new Bible in order to know the truth of His name. His name will stand forever, either now by our choice, or later by just law. What I did after putting down the bible that he sold me is take up the normal Bible that we all have and begin reading it fervently from OT to NT looking for His name. In the Old Testament, I found that His name and His Messiah's name are the same: YHWH. If you carry the name YHWH into the New Testament rather than the Greek "Jesus" or the Greek-Hebrew equivelants of "Joshua," everything makes sense. If you accept both YHWH and Jesus (or any form of Jesus), you have two names for salvation, not one, and nothing makes sense. That's the very basic thing I have been learning the past 2 years.
Hosea 12:5, Isaiah 42:8, Isaiah 44:6-8, Isaiah 45:18-25, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Zechariah 12:8-11, Zechariah 14:3-4, Matthew 28:19, Luke 24:47, Acts 4:12, John 5:43, John 17:11-12, Revelation 22:3-4.
These verses state that (1) YHWH is the only name for Deity/Elohim (2) The Messiah is YHWH (2) There is only one name for salvation / one name to accept
Just came upon this site......and it's "interesting" to say the least. I feel stupid when reading some of this because so many of my brothers and sisters are so knowledgeable far beyond my small pea brain (at least that's how it feels). What I wanted to contribute is that I know Ralph personally. Well actually it's more truthful to say that I was acquainted with him many years ago when he was the preacher at our church. Early in our marriage, Ralph did the dedication ceremony on Mother's Day of our first child. Year's later, we were at the funeral of his beloved wife Linda. We love him as scripture commands.
All of this has been very enlightening and we actually reconnected with Ralph a couple of years ago on facebook. We only messaged a couple of times but he did remember us from almost 30 years ago.
We had no idea that Ralph was involved in this kind of undertaking. I had been looking around for a new bible and came upon his video promoting OSE-1. Then I came across everything else being written about him. Yesterday, I sent Ralph a message. It was very kind, no accusations, no insinuations. I asked him to not allow any fear of anything (theft, government, jail) stand in the way of proving an authentic, real, document that is from YHWH. (not sure now if this is even the correct way to write His Name...lol) Afterall, a preserved Word is a gift to the world, not to any one person.
I have not heard back from him but I hope too. Quite frankly, after reading some of these posts, I may not get an answer. But what troubled us the most about Ralph's comments (we have not read OSE-1) was what someone spoke about earlier in this thread. "Would YHWH really say.........?" I have many deeply spiritual friends who struggle with this same thing. It is often difficult to reconcile some things we read in the first covenant with the One who we read is "love". BUT.......we must always realize that the standard for human reasoning is certainly not His standard. So we must define "love" according to ALL that is in His Word. And the foundation for this communication to man is really only the desire for His "elect" to be saved anyway. I know that is not a popular subject and some of you may choose to turn away from the rest of this post. Believe me, I know it is a subject that is hard to get our heads around. But I also know that if I decided to create a universe and a people to call MINE and wanted to "test" (for lack of a better word) their love an loyalty, I would also have to have an antagonist. I would have to create a people whom I would never call mine. Before you accuse me of the very thing I said was not so (subjecting the Creator to human reasoning), I believe this reasoning is stated in scripture and therefore, it's His reasoning not just my opinion. So it does not offend me to believe in predestination and election. And frankly, when we accept that Truth, so many other issues in scripture that bother Ralph, and bother so many others, can be reconciled. (capitol punishment of women, children, etc.)
In fact, even things in the renewed covenant make more sense like the way the gospel was shared after pentecost, boldly, bluntly, with accusations, etc. It also explains the commands to "shake the dust from your feet". Only the elect are going to be saved. Only the elect are going to respond. Only the elect will experience life....no second death.
My post is too short to say everything I want to say but I didn't want to keep rambling. I offered to send some fantastic teaching on this subject to Ralph if he desires to hear. Hopefully, he will answer soon and I can share what he says. What I know is that if he cannot prove what he's said, he is just a sinner like you and like me. He will need restoration after repentance from "those who are spiritual". Let's all please remember that if YHWH looks upon any of us apart from the blood of Messiah, we look just like Ralph.
Prayer and meditation is feeds more than the Book sometimes.
Shalomah DE and ALL,
Evidently you need to re-read our posts again, we do not condone the lack of PROOF
in all of this. ALL,repeat ALL versions have many, many LIES. LORD, Jesus, Adoni,
Cross, New MOONS, Deleated books, on & on, are ALL LIES. What then do we do? should we throw them all away? Did not Yahuah KNOW that this would happen before
returning? He, PLANNED IT this way did He not? otherwise you can be sure, it would
NOT be this way. Again, (HIS ways, not OUR ways.) So what did He do to protect His
people from the LIES? What did Yahu tell us? " I will send the Comforter, the Spirit of
TRUTH, HE will guide you into ALLTRUTH." This is His HELP, and protection for US.
Without which, we would be all DOOMED.This WORLD is FULL of LIES, by the father
of them all.
This is the WITNESS we spoke of above. So, again, if you are not blessed and fed by
OSE1, go to another book of LIES. But don't expect your spirit to be nourished, and
blessed, if we are FULL a condemning, judgemental, critical spirit, such as we see in
your posts. Am quite sure the RHUach QadUWsha, has not abdicated his duties to
you DE, or anyone else. This WORLD is full of lies, by the father of them all. With-
out our HELPER we would all be lost. Also, the whisperer, accuser, is also a COND-
EMNER of the people. Do we wish to be as he? or as Yahu, who NEVER threw a
sincere person UNDER THE BUS, so to speak. He had COMPASSION for them ALL.
Maybe we should ALL take a lesson, just as HE said, "Learn of ME". Just think of how
how wonderful that would (WILL) be. Amaniah
Shalomah to all,
The time is at hand when the DECEIVER is hard at work, but it looks as though he doesn't need to work to hard with this one. Some of these people are feeding out of the trough of lies, and will not look up when the truth is tugging them by the shirt. WOW! The support behind this is almost comical. I have some beach front properties for sale in Alabama.
I have a few questions for you and anyone else that supports the OSE1.
first, have you seen any evidence for these scrolls?
Second, could you read them if they did exist?
Thirdly, Would the Almighty Father need to or would he have His "true name" or His "true word" come out in a lie?
Four, How does a person believe a man when his whole doctrine is based off of these so called scrolls, which to date are not available to any but Ralph?
Fifth, How can you claim with so much certainty that you are using the correct name?
Sixth, As far as the "solar calendar" what do you have to back that up, when the only thing I can find on the matter are based off of the Book of Enoch and the followers of Ralph.
Number Seven, How can you be so sure that this book of Enoch was not tampered with?
Eighth, wouldn't the feast days always fall on the same day every year, and wouldn't that change a lot of what is already known, such as the death and resurrection of our Messiah? You know, the whole in the belly of the fish, and in the tomb for three days and three nights thing? Wouldn't that put in line with the Pagan "Good Friday" thing and sun worship?
Shalom D.E.
ShalomAH again,
If we may, a few words about the correct spelling, speaking, THE NAME.
(Y)od (H)ay (U)ah (H)ay
Above are the (4) letters Yah wrote with His finger on the tables of stone. The scribes
when writing these sacred letters, prayed, washed their hands, prayed again, wrote
very carefully and continued on, until the Name came again, & repeated the process.
This is the reverent care they took with His name.
(4) letters or (5) ?
You will note we use no (W) as many well meaning, sincere, believers. The reasons:
First: would not Yahuah, have written it thusly? Y H U W H if he thought necessary?
Second: Abrah/paleo Hebrew aleph-beth did not have the letter W, and did not exist
anywhere until circa 1350 ay. The letter evolved from UU VV by the Romans,
French, and Germans. The English also adopted the W later.
(By the way the letter E did not exist either so, no W or E, what does that say about
Third: Josephus notes that the Gold Crown designed by Mosah, for High Priest's
Mitre, had the name of the Most High written in (4) letters Y H U H again no W, why?
Josephus, and later authors attest that gold crown was still in existence at that time.
(Wars of Jews pg. 556)
Fourth: Ancient homeland of AbrAHam located in Iraq, still bears it's ancient name:
Al Yahudiyah, Iraq (google map) Note: the beautiful o-o-o sound, without "adding" W.
There are other reasons, as: Redunduncy and Clutter, UW, and the fact that the
corrct pronunciation would be 'handed down" from generation to geneation. Just like
our correct spellings and pronuciations are handed down to us. Just see Webster's
Dictionary for that.
Well, those are our reasons. What are yours?
ShalomAH to you all,
Yes, we need THE WITNESS most of all. Yahu, sent us THE WITNESS as HE
promised. And if OSE1 is not feeding, blessing, encouraging you, DON'T read it,
put it away from you. If OSE1 is not the book you pick-up in your scripture time,
go "back" to the NO-name, WRONG name, RUINED name, book. I know Ralphah,
interpreted some passages, with different verberage. But for me, most of the time,
these clarified the passage.
The thought came to me, that YAHUAH would put HIS STAMP on His creation, by
putting His NAME on it, same as the prophets & nations, and that is what FEEDS our
Spirit, soul, and body, as we read. Without His witness, just words on a page, for me,
if not for you, go to plan B.
As stated in original post, we began without knowing the problems. So we didn't begin
with a negative, or critical eye. Without that hinderance, the RhuWHach QuadUWsha
could bless me freely. Bottom line, the whole purpose, is it drawing one closer to our
Creator and Savior? Is it leading one to be immersed and filled with His QuadUWsha
NAME? Yah ooo ahhhhh
Finally will just mention all the other wonderful information, ChanUWk solar calendar,
against lunar lie we inherited and taught in the "other" scriptures. Thus restoring the
true Yearly festivals of Yahuah, an much more
HosannAH to all,
What did it for me regarding the name of the Creator was the Native American Indian pronunciation of the Great Spirit's name, Yah Wah. According to James Adair, a Protestant minister who wrote a 400 page journal on why they are Hebrews, and according to other ministers like Jonathan Edwards. Only the Greeks called Him Yahweh. All other civilizations with the name have ended it in AH, from Asia to America.
How can you be so sure that the Fathers name sounds anything like the word that has been trampled on in "vain" by the Internet company Yahoo or one that has been said for many many decades at your local rodeo or other sporting events? The Almighty all knowing Father of all creation let us trample His glorious name in vain? Does that make any sense? If you want some backing on any subject on any side of that arguement, you can find it on the Internet. You can see that evidence in this blog.
The Father is going to give a White Stone with a new name written to all that overcome. A new name that no man knoweth saving he that receives it. Who's name is that? Do you think that new name is the name of the person that receives the stone it do you think it's the Fathers name? First, what's the sense In it being the name of the recipient, how will others get your attention if they don't know your name?
If Ralph lied about any of it, he is not credible in any of it.
I have to question your philosophy or "logic", "MAKING THIS STORY UP WOULD INDICATE A SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL PERSON. How many mentally I’ll people do you know who are smart enough to pull off a scam like this? Honestly. That alone is not logical."
Really? There are alot of very mentally ill people that have the intelligence to pull this off. Jeffery Dahmer, Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Ted Bundy to name just a few. Granted some of which have been caught, so the truth always comes out and a rat is exposed. If you don't know these individuals, look them up. I would say by text book deffinition, they are flipping mental.
The claims made by Ralph are quite romantic and have NOT been backed up with any sort of evidence. Even The Messiah gave evidence, EVERY DAY I may add in his ministry. Ralph calls people doubting Thomas, but Yahshuah told Thomas to put his finger in his wounds, FOR PROOF!
Where is the proof Ralphie?
I love the OSE 1 it a step closer then any word that has been printed so far.. enjoy the love of YAHUWAH throughout it .. it only bring you closer to the Father YAHUWAH .. and to our great MeoschiYAach
Much Ahabi to all
If you scroll through my comments on this page, you can my history and the changes I myself have undergone regarding the OSE1. At first, I believed every word that came from the mouth of Ralph because most of the information in the OSE1 regarding history, cultures, and the calendar, is very accurate and provable with multiple sources online and in reference books. This much is granted. Yes, the Name Ya-hu-wah is restored.
However, I believe when you say, "His Hebrew is not perfect," you greatly understate the truth. After watching the YouTube video (keyword search "Raphah Bethyah") produced by Jeff Benner, it is obvious that Ralph only knows Hebrew root words according to the Strong's dictionary and has no idea about inflections. For example, he does not know the difference between "I am" and "to be." Both have the same root in the dictionary, but different inflections that one would learn from other references. His insistent claim that he "does translation work" is bogus. From this one fact, and the fact that he charged YAsarel in Africa $5 royalties for the privelege of printing the OSE1, I find him to be a fraud. Yahuwah help me if I am wrong, for this is a serious accusation.
I am not doubting Thomas like many of the YAHUWans have accused me of being. At least he had 10 disciples and many women giving witness to him of the resurrection of Yahuwah Messiah. We only have 1 witness of the entire OSE1 - Ralph. No wordservant has ever given witness, no one has contacted me from YAsarel East, and everyone from YAsarel Africa has told me Ralph is unable to produce any evidence of any claims and have excommunicated him.
The reason I do not read from it anymore is because if Ralph is a fraud in one area, then the whole discovery could be fraudulant, and so new doctrines in the OSE1 would be false doctrines. For example, Ralph says that the OSE1 allows for 7 year marriages. Another thing, the New Covenant calls the Savior Yahuw. Both of these things have not evidence outside the OSE1. If you are looking for the Name of the Savior, try the whole thing: Yahuwah - delete Jesus and put Yahuwah. And don't be afraid to say it like the Talmudic council traditionalists. See my thesis on this issue: [URL not working any longer - JW].
But I believe you have a point. Yahuwah restored is what makes it so appealing. For me, I have rid myself of the burden of proving the OSE1, and I only hold to the Covenant and His Name. Whatever else in Scripture - the church Bibles or what not - can be settled in eternity. I told Denya before I left the group, "Are you sure Yahuwah has worked in your life because of the OSE1 or despite the OSE1?" I first thought it was because of the OSE1 that He was in my life, but now I realize it was in spite of it and because of His Name!
Greetings John and all contributors:
This is something we have been led to do for a while. We may be able to give difrerent
perspective on all the discussion of OSE1, which may be of help to others.
We received our copy from my daughter a few months ago. We had not heard of all the
problems mentioned above, until about our second reading through. So, we could read
the scripture with a clean, pure outlook, of a very sincere seeker of thruth.
We as all seekers, were thrilled to hear of a major scripture discovery. And admit were
after reading the introductory pages, somewhat sceptical of the whole story. It seemed
kinda far-fetched, and to just mention, all the " Yah wouldn't do , wouldn't do's", you all,
if you have read the book should know what we mean, on and on. BUT! !
After getting through those first info pages, was DETERMINED to read the WHOLE
BOOK through anyway, with a very necessary OPEN MIND and let RHUachQuadUsha,
be the TEACHER, JUDGE, of it all for me. Only HE,can be the final authority in all this
for anyone. After all, after some 50 years of reading many other versions, to be truthful,
left still HUNGRY for something more. Some of you may also be asking yourself, "Is this
ALL there is?" Something very, very, important (was) is MISSING in the other Bibles, what IS that SOMETHING we most, if not all, need?
Starting with MattithYAHU, after few chapters, had to read on and on, hard to put down.
We are now on our third time through. The difference we believe is the POWER of THE
NAME, on every page, over and over again. Without that name, those books are just
words on a page. We told or family Sabbath group, the difference to me was from dry
hay, to lush green grass. Don't knock it, till YOU try it.
Does not mean we approve of the lack of PROOF, we have also asked the same. If he
(they) are lying, adding to, taking from, it is of course very SINFULL. Of course this, or
ANY OTHER scripture version, is perfect. They have ALL been tampered with, taking
out the power of the NAME and worse REPLACED with the satanic substitutes. So,
which is worse? Restoring or Covering, replacing? That is the BIG question, the answer
should be easy for us all.
You many ask would Yah use a SINNER to restore his name? Well, what ELSE does
HE have to work with DOWN HERE, but sinners? HE has used ALL KINDS of sinners
to perform his will throught the ages. Adulterers, Murderers, Donkey's, Prophet of Baal,
on and on. And am very sure he could use you, me, RalphAH, or anyone else HE could
choose. Yes, SINNERS all
So, even though his version, may not have every dot and tittle covered, or his Hebrew
"grammar" may not be perfect, (whose is?) He has for me Restored the QUADusha
name which without leaves much to be desired. Also remember, "HIS ways,or thoughts,
are NOT OUR ways or thougths." So, he could very well have used RalphAH to bring
back the POWER of his word. Maybe HE didn't wish to use the ivory tower elites on
this project. Time will tell, AhabiAh ShalomAH to you all.
Dear Brethren:
When I wrote the first post I was still in denial.
The postcard with the image of the ROS text ended up being a hoax.
Raphah or better his real name Ralph Bethea is a deceiver. It took me almost 8 months to figure it out and countless hours translating his inventions. Shame on me, for not following the scriptures that say "by the mouth of two or three every issue should be established."
I am sorry for what I wrote supporting this nonsense.
Here is the link where the deception is fully exposed:
So I've kept up with the webinars and read from the OSE1. For a while, it was great, and I guess you refer back to my last comment I made on here. After that, I wanted a second witness to the scrolls. For the past 10 years, it seems, since the beginning, there has only been one man to bear a first-hand witness. That would be Ralph. Since I found that out, I've gone back to the church Bibles yet retaining Yahuwah in my worship. I can't find textual evidence for Yahuw (Son), only in the scrolls that no one has seen and may not exist. In a way, it was disappointing, but in a way a relief.
Anyway, if anyone has any comments on my essay about the tetragrammaton (found at Wordpress) let me know.
Shalom to all,
An interesting outcome... It really was to great to be true...
They should come with a PPT on Youtube, which will be rather difficult, I guess...
Just as Yeshua showed his perforated hands to Thomas...
Our Messiah also came up with hard evidence!
Chag Sameach Pesach to all
Patrick from Mexico.
First, I would like to say Thank You. Your deep research has solidified my feelings, thoughts, and concerns regarding this "translation" a term I will use loose.
My wife found an interesting "Blogs" just the other day [URL not working any longer - JW]
and also (http://theoriginalscriptures.blogspot.com/2012/02/test-post.html) to paraphrase a bit the writer has claimed the "Original Scripture" Manuscript findings may be a total HOAX. I would invite you to read these two blogs for further confirmation.
I had purchased the E1 about 2 years ago. After a short read, my spirit was unsettled. In further review and prayer, I determined that I would not share it with our gathering. One of our members found it and shared it with another member. They both latched on to it and denounced the King James Version to be lies. I have also found many strange "Slants" and views that contradict themselves.
I have also witnessed an over sensitivity on the behalf of the two members when asked questions about the E1. One gets very angry and the other breaks down into tears. I find this very odd in its self.
The way that these manuscripts had been dug up, in the cover of darkness sixty feet in the desert sand under a tent? Digging a hole in the sand even one foot deep is hard to do. How big or what diameter would the top of the hole have to be to reach six feet in depth without it caving in? Maybe fifty or sixty feet, depending on moisture.
Please read the two blogs and let me know what you think.
Baie geskok na ek die blog gelees het - ek het nie verwag dat Deborah mense so sal aanval nie. Ek het 'n paar keer met haar op die telefoon gepraat, en sy was elke keer so aangenaam. Ek het op aanvraag van my pa met haar kontak gemaak oor The Kings Covenant. Sy het hulle op 'n stadium op haar onkoste laat invoer en het dit gratis versprei - sy het vir my 6 afskrifte gestuur wat ek uitgedeel het onder die kinders en my pa, maar ek is nog redelik nuut in die gebruik van Yahuwah en Yahusha se name en wet onderhouding en verbond met Yahuwah. Ek persoonlik verkies die Besorah, ek verstaan daar is ook die Halelu Yah scriptures wat redelik akkuraat is, word nou ook oor vertaal in Afrikaans, ek self het nie 'n probleem om eng te lees nie maar die familie sukkel om dit te verstaan. Ek het onlangs met iemand gepraat wat in daai vergadering gesit het en hy sê toe hy daar weg ry was hy baie bedroef oor die dinge wat gesê is. Een persoon het reguit na Rapha toe gegaan en hom gevra of hy hom wat Rapha is kan vertrou en Rapha het reguit gesê nee jy kan nie. Deborah het vir my gesê dat die plek in Pta wat die Kings Covenant gedruk het nie meer druk nie - hulle het uitgevind dit was 'n man en vrou wat erken het dat hulle vir S A intelegensie werk. Deborah het een van die printers gekoop en druk nou self die Kings Covenant twee goed wat ek opgetel het: die gebooie, hulle het 'n dertiende een wat wat sê jy mag net Yahuwans lief he. Ek het met 'n kenner gepraat wat teachings op fb doen en hy sê ook nee dis nie reg nie. Die ander ding is die bybel praat van nege vrugte van die gees en hulle het net sewe ek het die Besorah en die Kings in pdf vir die wat dalk wil hê ek moet dit vir hulle stuur.
Attention Unamed
Your reply is lukewarm..
Relatistic love is no covering for red flags...
You forget that it is written..... Those that LOVE THE LIE will have their part in the LAKE OF FIRE..
The power of the LIE can be LOVED for that is the FALSE serpentine seed of the fallen ONE..
Just admit it... The second line of devil's defense is the realm of the soul..
And having tasted from his false ministry's covering, i can tell you his mantle is demonic, and of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...
Just for historical proof's sake, here is some evidence he is not showing you..
The ancient Britons asserted that the sun god who was the father of all mankind was called "Hu"
Likewise the word "El","Al", or "Eli", is the title for the sun, whence the Greek word "Helios", which is "Elion" in Canaanite, or "Eli-on", as in "El Elyon", "Elohim" is also a reference to the sungod.
Also the sun god of the Mexican people was called "Na-hua", whilst the Egyptian god of the air was called "Shu" who was the dawn god, the "first air" and "life force" emerging as a word or logos out of Ra's mouth.
The name YaHuWah and all those hibrid names are just names of devils from ancient pagan sun worship. All names coming from the tetrogramaton are just decietful lies.
For religious people the declare they dont worship the heavens, as the sun is a mere inorganic ball of gas, the presence they worship is none other than the spirit of the "prince of the air", their father Shatan, the fallen One, the Great Deceiver.
Only honest and broken people really analyse to see whether or not it would represent the Pure Spirit of the Eternal One...
And i decided after some raw time on my knees that it WASN"T
I hope you are challenged by history and realise there is nothing new under the sun, for the devil has no new tricks, just old ones rehashed.
The last poster has it correct.
I've been hearing these webinars for 4 months.
I've received huge blessings, revelations, and insight.
But that's because of him and his name.
What it all boils down to is trusting the words of ONE MAN.
Whether he can be trusted? That's up in the air.
Keep this in mind though, folks. MAKING THIS STORY UP WOULD INDICATE A SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL PERSON. How many mentally I'll people do you know who are smart enough to pull off a scam like this? Honestly. That alone is not logical.
Many seekers are asking questions, and rightly so. The attitude of defensiveness puts up red flags. Obviously people have questions. The posts on this blog are in
fact SHOCKING. A man of Yah cursing and offering to gamble on winning souls? It's weird. Unless there is a history between the owner of this blog and this group.
The proof is in the fruits, though is it not? Anyone reacting in a negative way in matters of Him must make us question.
We have to all be in LOVE. If we do not, are we really abiding in Him?
May we all be blessed with truth in Him. And may he soon reveal the truth to those who are seeking.
My wife and I have read the entire OSE-1 multiple times and have been attending webinars on and off with the Yahuwans for almost two years now. As someone living in America who, after many years of study, realized I have been lied to continuously regarding almost every facet of my life by bankster slave masters and their corrupt protectors of the status quo in government and religion, I looked at the OSE-1 as just another revelation of truth hidden from me.
However, once you go further into the OSE-1 and the Yahuwan movement, absent the scrolls, you either have to accept the word of Rapha or you must conclude that the OSE-1 is not what it seems to be. If you doubt Rapha and the OSE-1 you will be compared to Thomas doubting our Savior. I hesitate to use the word cult because that is usually the word used by worshipers of the real cults like the state, the military, the police, churchianity and others who like to label anyone who does not subscribe to their idolotry.
When we started reading the OSE-1, all the new names were interesting but hard to accept at first but at the same time, made as much sense as any other scripture as long as you had in the back of your mind that this is translated from newly found texts that will someday be revealed. The commentary is very convincing by exposing many of the well known pagan roots of Christianity but it also adds many claims in with the generally accepted information which may or may not be true, but are not verifiable absent the new scrolls and the authors seemingly amazing knowledge of Yahuwan (Paleo Hebrew).
If you are not careful, the OSE-1 has a way of immediately isolating one who chooses to believe its new ideas of the old scriptures, from those they used to fellowship with. As we read it we always kept the idea that it seemed to be basically the same Gospel with some new words connecting us to the truth of the old ways and language. We promoted it to friends who were interested. Upon further reading we found several deviations from the accepted texts that are significant.
Here are three examples.
OSE-1 MatithYAHUW 16:24 ..."If anyone desires to come after me let him take up his staff (traveling gear) and follow me."
OSE-1 MatithYAHUW 27:46
On the ninth hour, YAHUW cried with a loud
voice, saying, "EliYAH, EliYAHUWAH, lama
shabachthaniYA!" That is, "Almighty YAH,
Almighty YAHUWAH, now I will fulfill The promise
of YA to our beloved ones"
OSE-1 LukAH 23:34
Looking at the soldiers, YAHUW said, "Father, let us forgive them, for these
do not know what they are doing." Other soldiers divided his garments
among themselves, by casting lots. But looking upon the rulers mocking Him,
YAHUW said, "Father, let us forgive them not, for indeed, they do know what
they are doing."
One of the most used sayings by Rapha when referring to scripture is "do you think YAHUWAH would say that?" It does not take a scriptural scholar to recognize who used that phrase so many years ago and the consequences of believing it.
In conclusion, the only evidence to support the OSE-1 where it deviates at all from the trusted texts is the word of one man. You have to believe Rapha first to believe the OSE-1 is Yah's word. Until we see the scrolls this will be the case so rather than debating any part of the OSE-1 translation we should all be saying to Rapha:
February 10, 2012 at 9:11 am timothy klein wrote:
"..Wake up.. its over for jerusalem… thats final.."
"..The jews in israel today are the false jews, and have been fleecing the economy of europe and the world for hundreds of years… this is common sense.. you have been brainwashed.."
"..you people will not learn, you hold onto history.."
"..if you truely are called, you will hear a still small voice saying come out of her, completely.."
"..i left this blog, as great as it was, as blind people who love to draw converts after themselves, puffed up with their vain knowledge of mans wisdom and ideals, block those tho seek to enter into the Father’s Kingdom.."
"..His Kingdom is NOT of this world.."
Robert Wentzel replies:
Timothy, it is very obvious that you do not believe scripture by what you write.
They say that having a "near death" experience robs the brain of oxygen and thus with what you have experienced you now "throw out the baby with the bathwater" so to speak.
Please consider studying Bible predictions for what is to come for the Nations, especially Joel 2 and 3
Ps. I do not belong to ANY group , Organisation or Church.
Hi Pierre,
Ek sien nou eers jou reply, sorry jy is verkeerd ek lees die Bybel se twee Testamente ek wil ook nie daaroor redekwawel nie en stel glad nie in ander dogmas belang anders as wat Die Heilige Gees my Rabbi my leer nie. Ek wil net graag die volgende deel wat aan my gestuur is om andere te waarsku.
Subject: Gevaar van Ralph Bethea
Liewe Broer en Suster in die geloof,
(Stuur asb hierdie epos uit aan almal wat moontlik hierdeur geraak mag word – almal wat die “Kings Covenant” vertaling gekoop het)
This email is written in Afrikaans, since most people involved in the meeting knows Afrikaans. English speakers can get information by opening the English attachments, or ask for English information from the author of this email.
Op 2012/02/12 om 17:00-21:00 het ‘n groep van ongeveer 40 gelowiges saam met dr. Ralph (Rapha) Bethea vergader met die doel om:
1) Navraag te doen oor die bewerings wat hy maak ten opsigte van die fonds van 240 antieke dokumente (OSE1) in “Paleo-Hebreeus” (Hebreeuse prente-skrif) en Aramees, wat dateer uit ongeveer 100 CE;
2) Navraag te doen oor die egtheid van die boek “The Word of YAH: The King’s covenant” (W-O-Y), as ‘n vertaling van hierdie dokumente;
3) Navraag te doen oor die proses van vertaling indien daar wel so ‘n vertalingsproses aan die gang is in die Himalaja gebergtes.
Die volgende is bevind tydens hierdie vergadering:
1) Dr. Bethea weier om enige bevredigende antwoorde te gee op vrae rondom die sogenaamde bron-tekste (OSE1). Dit is duidelik in sy hantering van die vrae dat daar geen bron-teks (OSE1) bestaan nie, en dat alle bewerings wat met hierdie bron-teks te make het, niks anders as leuens is nie.
2) ‘n Studie van die vertaling W-O-Y het aangetoon dat:
a. Die vertaling gebaseer is op die “World English Bible” vertaling wat gratis op die internet beskikbaar is;
b. Die vertaling deur middel van ‘n “search-replace” woordverwerker funksie gedoen is;
c. Enkele verse verander is om by die filosofie van dr. Bethea aan te pas.
d. Die W-O-Y dus hoegenaamd nie vanaf enige oorspronklike dokumente vertaal is nie, en dat dieselfde kritiek wat dr. Bethea graag oor ander bybelvertalings uitspreek, in werklikheid eksponensieel groter van toepassing is op sy eie “vertaling” (W-O-Y).
e. Die W-O-Y is niks anders as diefstal nie.
3) ‘n Tydlyn-analise van gebeure in dr. Bethea se lewe, en sy bewerings rondom die fonds van die bron-tekste (OSE1) en die vertaling daarvan, het duidelik gewys dat sy bewerings daaroor niks anders as leuens is nie.
4) ‘n Kenner van die Aramese tekste kon aantoon dat dr. Bethea se bewerings oor die voorkoms van die naam van Yeshua in die Aramees nie korrek is nie.
5) ‘n Direkte vraag aan dr. Bethea of hy vetrouenswaardig (“trustworthy”) is, kon nie deur hom bevestigend beantwoord word nie.
In plaas daarvan dat dr. Bethea antwoorde gee op hierdie ernstige aanklagte, het hy bloot oorgegaan om die gelowiges teenwoordig aan te val. Hy het die vergadering (valslik) beskuldig dat hulle nie volgens Matteus 18:15-18 opgetree het nie. Hoewel die getuienis tydens die vergadering duidelik gewys het dat dr. Bethea ‘n leuenaar en ‘n dief is, is die groot probleem dat hy hierdie leuens en diefstal gepleeg het in die Naam van ons Almagtige Vader (YAH). Sulke optrede behoort eintlik volgens Numeri 25:1-13, Matteus 18:5-6 en 1 Korintiërs 5:1-5 hanteer te word. Ralph Bethea het ‘n struikelblok vir ‘n groot aantal jong gelowiges (kinders in die geloof) geword, en daarom behoort alle gelowiges hulle van hom en sy lering te distansieer, en hom soos ‘n heiden en tollenaar te behandel. Hy is nie deel van die Liggaam van die Messias nie.
Die vraag is nou: Hoeveel gelowiges wat in ‘n opregte en diepe soeke na die waarheid die pad van geregtigheid nastreef, het deur hierdie struikelblok gestruikel?
As jy een van hierdie gelowiges is, of as jy iemand ken wat nou in ‘n geloofskrisis gedompel is deur Bethea se optrede en leer, wil ek jou aan die volgende herinner:
1) Jou fondasie is nie ‘n kerk, geloofsgemeenskap, gemeente of enige Pastoor, dominee, priester of mens nie. Jou geloof berus op die Hemelse Vader en sy “kneg Dawid”, naamlik Yeshua (ongeag daarvan of jy oortuig is sy naam is YAHshua, Jesus, Jesu of iets anders), volgens Esegiël 34.
2) Hou aan om jou Skepper te soek, maar wees versigtig vir valse profete (lees Matteus 7:8-21 e.v.).
3) Moenie jou Skepper wantrou omdat mense wat kwansuis in sy Naam optree, nie vertrou kan word nie.
4) Met hierdie regte basis in jou geloof, moet jy nie dat sulke gebeure daartoe lei dat jy jouself afsonder van ander gelowiges nie. Hoewel ander gelowiges nooit jou basis in geloof mag wees nie, is hulle belangrik in die uitleef van jou geloof. Hulle leer jou verhoudings, liefhê en vergewe (lees 1 Johannes 3:16-18, 4:18-21).
5) Wees veral versigtig om ‘n “kliek” te vorm met ‘n paar mense. ‘n Geloofsgesin is goed, maar ‘n gesin wat sy gesinslede wil vashou en afskerm van die res van die wêreld is disfunksioneel (Johannes 17:11-18).
6) Onthou, daar bestaan ‘n al groter wordende liggaam van die Messias in Suid-Afrika (en wêreldwyd). Hierdie liggaam word nie aanmekaar gehou deur dogma, leerstellings of eenderse sienswyse nie, maar “terwyl ons in liefde die waarheid betrag [ondersoek], groei ons in alles op in Hom wat die Hoof is, naamlik Messias, uit wie die hele liggaam – goed saamgevoeg en saamverbind deur die ondersteuning wat elke lid gee volgens die werking van elke afsonderlike deel in sy mate – die groei van die liggaam bevorder vir die opbou daarvan in liefde.” (Efes. 4:15-16; aangepas uit 1953 Afr. vertaling). Soek hierdie liggaam op en maak jou “afsonderlike deel” beskikbaar daarvoor.
7) Indien jy deur hierdie epos of die gebeure rondom dr. Bethea diep ontstel is en graag met iemand wil gesels, vra jou hemelse Vader om jou te wys met wie jy kan gesels. Die volgende persone is ook beskikbaar: Simchah tolife@absamail.co.za; Dirk dirk@vusela.com.
‘n Opmerking oor Skrif en Skrifvertalings
Die dwaling van dr. Bethea is grootliks gebaseer op ‘n kritiek teen bestaande Skrifvertalings.
Volgens hom is alle vertalings verdraai en slegs 25% akkuraat. Volgens hom is daar ‘n komplot aan die gang deur bybelvertalers wat die Naam van ons Vader probeer versteek in hul vertalings. Die volgende is my opinie van Bybelvertalings, na vele jare van bestudering van die Skrif:
1) Geen Bybelvertaling is 100% akkuraat nie, net soos geen vertaling 100% akkuraat is nie. As ek ‘n gewone boek wat uit Engels na Afrikaans vertaal is, lees, kom ek agter dat ek die hele tyd besig is om te soek na die oorspronklike Engelse woorde (bv. “hy het my met ‘n hartseer stemtoon benader” – “he approached me in a sad tone”). Hoeveel te meer moet ons nie aanvaar dat daar ‘n groot klomp betekenis verlore gaan wanneer die Skrif vanuit Hebreeus (of Grieks) na Afrikaans vertaal word nie? As jy op soek is na ‘n akkuraatheid nader aan 100%, begin dan om Hebreeus en Grieks te bestudeer sodat jy die brontekste in hul oorspronklike taal kan lees.
2) Daar is ‘n ander manier om selfs in jou eie taal en met die beperkinge van die Bybelvertaling op jou bedkassie nog steeds te leer wat die Vader vir jou wil leer. Vra Hom om vir jou te leer wat jy moet weet. Ek ken iemand wat net ‘n 1983 Afrikaanse Bybel tot sy beskikking gehad het op ‘n verafgeleë plaas in Namibië. Vader het aan Hom sy Naam en sy seun se Naam bekend gemaak. Daarmee praat ek nie die foute en dogmatiese veranderings in hierdie vertaling of in enige ander vertaling goed nie. Ek bring eer aan ons hemelse Vader wat selfs hierdie foute en tekorte in ons vertalings te bowe kan kom.
3) Omdat die 1953 Afrikaanse vertaling ‘n baie “letterlike” (ek sal liewer nie nou op die tegniese hiervan ingaan nie) vertaling is, bly dit ‘n goeie vertaling om by die grootste hoeveelheid waarhede in die Skrif uit te kom. Ek weet dat die Name nie reg daarin vertaal is nie, maar oral waar die Tanak die Naam van die Vader gebruik, word dit vertaal met “HERE” in hoofletters – so jy kan self sien waar sy Naam voorkom. Waar daar “Here” geskryf staan, word die woord “Adonai” deurgaans vertaal. Dan is daar ook nog The Scriptures wat die fout van die oorspronklike Name reggestel het. Mens kry hierdie poging ook in Afrikaans in die vorm van Woord en Getuienis. My ervaring is dat die New American Standard Bible ‘n baie getroue weergawe van die Griekse “Nuwe Testament” bied. Die Complete Jewish Bible doen ‘n uitstekende werk om woorde uit die Tanak in verband te bring met die Apostels se geskrifte, sodat die eenheid van hierdie geskrifte gesien kan word. Maar soos ons groei in die waarheid en voortdurend die Hebreeuse, Aramese en Griekse tekste vergelyk met ons vertalings, kom ons agter dat daar maar gedurig aanpassings gemaak moet word.
4) Ek dink dat ons een van die dae ‘n seminaar oor vertalings en brontekste moet hou, sodat mens behoorlik hierdie saak van vertalings kan deurtrap.
Dit het onder my aandag gekom dat daar ‘n soortgelyke aksie teen die dwaling van dr. Bethea in die VSA aan die gang is. Ek heg dokumente in hierdie verband hierby aan, asook ‘n waarnemer se indrukke van die vergadering.
Die vergadering is op video opgeneem en ‘n ongeredigeerde DVD gaan daarvan vervaardig word. Rig navrae in hierdie verband aan Dirk du Plooy ( dirk@vusela.com ).
Alle dokumente en aanbiedings wat tydens die vergadering gebruik is, is ook beskikbaar. Rig navrae aan dr. Jan de Beer (
jmdebeer@axxess.co.za )
Jan M de Beer
i can understand ones thirst in seeking a greater witness to the ancient text about the life of the mashiach, for i also have followed that path..
but when truely sort, that path is a the broad path of self, seeking man for our own benefit.. Only a dying heart knows its own inner secrets and motivations that flow from within it.
How is it that the Mashiach told us "Do not tell man your deeds before Heaven, Do not let your left hand know what your right hand has done, but seek the Father in secret as to your good works, if they really are to know Him, and He will bless you in His Wisdom and Humility..
Is it not true that we have all reaped what our works have sowed in our different lives at one stage, by telling men our good deeds, so that we could reap mans appraisal of our own works...
This kind of fruit is of self, demonic, boastful and full of pride.
So what would one say, if a man who claimed to have "found" the original texts, not only "SOLD" them for reputation, but then boasts in his good works as an endorsement of his works being of the Father?
Which Father you might ask....?
the hardest lessons of dying to self in my own life, as being the dying of everything i thought was good about self, even the works that came from it..
there is nothing good in me, end of story...
The only work i see to find, it the Labor of His Hand in Truth and Mercy in my existance, that i may become as a little child to know the Kingdom.
Yeshayeh warned his workers that "As freely as you have received, so Freely Give in return"
It grieves me that this mans arrogance of SELLING his interpretation of the ancient texts as a foundation of his works in the name of the One, who will accuse his works of being a worker of iniquity, is frightening, and extremely sobering.
the reality of our quest in seeking the Kingdom is more than just aligning ourselves with every voice of conviction that is out there in todays wilderness of sodom and egypt, its truely about dying to our own theories and "good" ideas of what represents a man of Heaven in todays environment.
Its hard dying to self... in fact its impossible unless we understand this first and foremost..
i want to encourage you to dig deeper into that dry well you call living waters, and discover for your own heart break, its the waters of babylon you are drinking from.
Then acknowledge this life long parchment of thirst and have the grit and will to turn away from the "goodness" of the tree of the knowledge of "good and evil", that you might see satan your father drawing you closer to the pit everyday that you stubborness blinds you from discerning a diabolical lie of deception for what it really is..
Time is so short, and once you allow the briefness of "time" itself to reveal to you satan's plan, your dirty garments underneath will long for eternity in depths that man can never sway you from again..
Please as a decieved seeker, i beg you turn, before it is too late..
you found this site for a reason, because their are many witness on this site that are warning you of the precious time you have left in seeing "the originals scriptures" for what they are.... a man made hoax inspired by the pride of devil himself.
Take care
YAHU said "blessed are those who not seeing, believe".
This is true, because note everything can be seen or openly shown.
So, what we need is to use our intelects and see if an inspired expression comes from EloahYAm or from the Anti-YAHU.
Since there is no possibility to get the scrolls, we need to judge the book by its content.
How many believers haven't even seen an aleph or a daleth?
None of the brothers are into this for any other reason than prasing YAHUWAH, none other.
Most of them are being hated by its own family because of these, including RaphAH.
Many have rejected positions in the christian churches, honor and money.
Just check RaphAH's background in the Southern Baptist Church, his many many years as a missionary preaching the gospel to the nations.
He is no crook.
Why would a man like that come up with a scheme or a dilusion?
Again, I think the seekers of the truth need to read the book and judge by themselves.
To : KephAH MenorAH - February 18, 2012 at 3:21 am
If there is controversy, I think it is very reasonable to come up with evidence of claims made. There are these modern tools, such as PPT and YouTube. The publishers should use them.
It is not a matter of being an unbeliever. Comparing this attitude to Thomas is an incorrect simplification of he matter...
We live in a world that has means to document what one is saying, I would say : "Use them".
There is nothing wrong about putting a PPT on YouTube to show evidence.
Especially in this case.
I even think the writers would sell thousands of books more if this evidence would be provided.
Maybe I'm giving them some commercial ideas now... :glad:
We know that we live in special times. What's wrong with helping people to see and understand what one is claiming?
Refusal to do that gives one ground to doubt and assume that the findings are fake...
Sorry to say that,but my logical and scientific background tells me that.
And my Father is also very logical! :glad:
After all, He says that we should "Love Him with all our mind...".
Mind refers to thinking, investigating... not just swallowing...
Shabbat Shalom from Mexico!
Dear People of Yah:
I know exactly how you feel about the newly discovered scriptures, for it is just human nature to request visual proof in order to believe.
Remember TomAH the great apostle, when faced with the truth of the resurrection of YAHUshuah our savior, he wanted to see first.
I believed the Word of YAH the very first time I opened it and read it.
I believed in the word of YAH for two basic reason, THE CALENDAR.
I had researched the calendar for many years and pretty much deciphred the Qumram text that contain it, from the English translation of them. The Qumram texts amazingly explain the 24 priestly courses and the solar temple calendar, which is also found in the book of ChanUk.
However, the intercalation provided by the ROS text is what I needed to make sense.
When I first saw Rapha, I immediately thought he was probably a charlatan, however, by looking further into de unity videos, you can see the heart and sincerity of the man; which has only been comfirmed by my relationship with him, afterwards.
The second reason was the content. When I read MatithYAHU 19 it just made sense to me that our Savior should not have skiped the first four commandments when preaching the obedience to the Law. This book is the only one that restores this obvious distortion of the original scriptures.
Now, these are the good news, the bad news is that the book is based on a text that is not written neither in greek nor in armaic, it is written in a long lost language called Abrahu. Therefore none of the scholarly objections are valid. Pretty much we are defensless in the hands of RaphAH and the rest of the translators.
By looking at the text, the writting is neither phoenitian, nor paleo hebrew, nothing that one could relate to. It is a kind of paleo hebrew, but there are other symbols or letters like the letter Olam, which is a little o, but not the AYIN.
There is also one letter that seemed to be the Qup, but is differently drawn, for it is a circle with one leg, and the Qup is kind of a half moon facing down with a leg that crosses it.
There is absolutely no spaces in between the letters and sometimes a dot appears here and there.
The beth is just a circle with a curved line underneath, the regular paleohebrew beth is kind of different for it is almost like the resh, it is just that the resh has a straight leg.
One thing that amaized me is the presence of a letter simmilar to the masoretic Kaph, with a dot in the center, that is the very first letter of the photograph I have in my possesion. The actual Kaph in paleohebew is quite different and it is also present in the book.
Another remark is that all the letters are written in what is believed to be capital letters.
For instance, the UA, in most places where I see the NAME written is similar to a Y, but with the top part rounded. That is supposed to be the lower UA. The Capital UA is like a bent cross. This text has only capitals.
There is also a shin, like the masoretic one and a shin that is drawn like a latin w.
The yad is also a kind of different in the sense that the middle line crosses the center one and the whole letter leans back to the right instead of the left.
Well all this said, when I call Rapha with questions about the text of the Word of YAH and I ask what is the abrahu word for this and that, he answers almost immediately, but sometimes he goes back and says: "hold on bro, I think I am wrong, let me see the text".
Then he reads for a while and comes back to me with a different word, a word that most of the time has an equivalent in the masoretic hebrew.
One change, for instance is that in MatithYAHU the Ruach Qadusha is said to have appeared in the form of an eagle and not a dove. To original word in MatithYAHU is "racham" which is eagle but also "YAHUA'S MERCY AND FATHERLY LOVE."
I don't remember on which other gospel it is still YONAH, which is the word for dove.
The racham nowadays is the Egyptian eagle and it is known for its kindness with its kids. So the Spirit was not really an eagle or a dove, but the sight was described differently by the evangelists to show different aspects of the quality of the Ruach.
All I see in the Word of YAH is wisdom and more wisdom. I would suggest that you guys read it after praying and with the strong desire to find the Truth about our Father, not to demolish his Eternal Word.
I have found mistakes, along with Rapah and other brothers have pointed out to him others and they have been corrected in the new release.
E1 stands for Edition 1, which is for obvious reasons the most imperfect version. Perhaps OSE 77 or OSE777 will be the perfect one; but no, because the book is intended for the people of YAsarel to learn the pure language, the language of the angels and the MalakiAH of YAHUAH ELOAYAIM.
Are you in?
Another concern is in the rendering of words like Elohim.
Of course aleph, lamed, hey mim reads Elohim in hebrew and the ending im is the plural, so, if Eloh translates God, the word should mean gods.
That has been good news for the trinitarians right? (and I respect them and love them from my heart)
The real good news is that Abrahu and also some words in Hebrew are written in acronymic form. Like SUV in english.
The YA or YOD (in hebrew) means Supreme Authority or Most High.
El means Almighty, AH means loving from AHABAH, and M which is am, means people even in modern hebrew.
So, instead of Elohim, it says Almaighty Loving Supreme Authority of the People.
The m could mean also nation or creation depending on the context.
So, when we say YAHUAH ELOAHYAIM or YAHUAH ELOAHYAAM we are praising him by describing His True Nature.
He is nod Gods, right brothers? He is Echad!!!!
Now YAHUshuah was given the NAME that is above all names, what name is that?
This truths are found only in the Word of YAH!!
Believe me brothers there is no perfection in translations, NONE. We have to learn the pure language and devout ourselves to The Word, if we want to understand EloahYAam, and still we will not completely, for He is ETERNAL LOVING YAH.
Shalom to ALL of you :glad:
Writing you from Mexico, born in Belgium… Well, I will leave this part of my story covered :glad:
I was given a link to “www.originalscriptures.com” a few days ago.
Promising, interesting, …? Maybe…
As I always do with at first sight exciting news I do some research, homework, as some call it.
So also this time… and I stumbled soon upon this forum.
Interesting. The whole discussion makes me think of another controversy :”Ron Wyatt and his discoveries”. Some will know what I’m talking about.
So, before going on or even starting with reading that book, the least what the writers of it could do, is coming up with a POWERPOINT, published on YouTube, with a picture report of the whole research. Starting from the trip to Irak up to the discovering of the clay jar and manuscripts.
That would only take a few hours of work, but would take away lots of doubts.
Failure to do that gives us ground to at least believe that any claim on that fantastic discovery is a… (I leave it open to you to fill in).
Why do I connect this “discovery” to Ron Wyatt? What he was allowed to discover is also incredible. And I’m just pointing to Mount Sinai…
But at least he made footage available, pictures. Meanwhile, other people visited the site, made a documentary about it and lots of us are eagerly waiting for Tim Mahoney’s professional made documentary about it (www.exodusconspiracy.com).
So, I repeat, please come with hard evidence! And I don’t want to see LIVE the real manuscripts.
Just a PowerPoint on YouTube would be enough to start to give it some credibility.
In the mean time, lots of joy in researching AND living out the WORD of Abba :glad:
Shalom to all.
Patrick, from Mexico.
PS : to the moderator. Feel free to mail me if the PP is published. I won’t be checking all the time :glad:
the scriptures arent rocket science to those who are truely broken from mans traditions and commandments..
i personally experienced two separate heart attacks as i broke through the power of satan over my heart and soul..
what I was shown in my spirit was shocking..
if you live to be a hundred, maybe then you will see what i see as i entered the door of death within my own soul..
satan is a great deciever, and to attribute anything less would be to insult the Eternal Father who called the fallen one exactly that!!
Wake up..
its over for jerusalem... thats final..
the jews in israel today are the false jews, and have been fleecing the economy of europe and the world for hundreds of years... this is common sense.. you have been brainwashed...
read the protocols of the learned elders of zion and the other excellent publication called the "the synagogue of satan"
the real jews are the black jews, in africa.. full stop.. they are just as deceived as the rest of the world..
the Father is over Jerusalem... a partial preterist perspect and i mean partial will explain this in detail..
you should be seeking the Father, not men, or their traditions, nor commandments..
you people will not learn, you hold onto history not realising the powers that be, choose to mould the outcome of peoples beliefs for their own agenda..
The Father is above and beyond all of this.. completely..
set your self free from men, so you can learn to die to self away from religion and its power of the serpent..
if you truely are called, you will hear a still small voice saying come out of her, completely..
but since i am only 36, you older people would only think, what does a young man know, after all i am so much older and wiser...
i will give you a friendly tip....
"to those that need His Forgiveness more, will seek Him more,
to those that need His Forgiveness alittle, will seek Him alittle..
i left this blog, as great as it was, as blind people who love to draw converts after themselves, puffed up with their vain knowledge of mans wisdom and ideals, block those tho seek to enter into the Father's Kingdom..
I promise you on that day.. you will understand...
His Kingdom is NOT of this world....
may you find the courage to turn with all of your heart and soul away from men to seek the Father, that he may reveal to you the rotting carcus deep with your own soul...only then will you understand just how delibrate and cunning this grand deception is..
in seeking Truth..
timothy klein says: January 19, 2012 at 5:23 am ..>
"...The Father has divorced Yerusalem and thats final..."
I reply: ASSEBLIEF !
"...I challenge you to do your homework..."
I kindly request you do the same.
Ps. Do you deny that the Shoah took place like Aghmoed Denythat of Iran does ? And according to you they 6 million[Jews] in Germany were blacks ?
My husband and I were given a copy of the OSE1 Word of Yah, King's Covenant by a friend. We are truth seekers and have been on the path of truth for nearly two years. We have found the OSE1 to be very troubling. This blog discussion has been an incredibly interesting read for us. I am now off to check the content of the OSE1 with other Scripture on E-sword. If something is too good to be true, it probably is!
May the Father bless you and keep you all.
This ROS / OSE1 story sounds like a repeat of the Joseph Smith story of the Golden Plates of Nephi which was taken into heavens, and now every believer must bow to the rantings of these "anointed" ones who have exclusive access to the original text.
Come on. How dumb must you be to fall for a lie like this.
Unless original documents can be made available for public scrutiny and tests (sorry - but photocopies is just not good enough - you can Photoshop a thing to look credible) - these people are just another bunch of trick artists who hope to catch a number of gullible people.
To Vernit..
Well said... i couldnt agree more... those of the rebellion of Korah love the lie, the blind leading the blind into the same pit their forefathers were swallowed up by. Their hearts are being fattened up for the day of slaughter, considering that they are intoxicated by the venom of the serpent, with scales blinding them, they will never see, nor hear lest they turn and run from this rebellion.. They are measuring up their fathers guilt, and will be numbered with him on that day.
To YAHUWnathan..
The name Ya is the name of the pagan cananite moon god,
there was never a u in the tetragrammaton as YHWH is the false rendering of Isous in the Greek and Latin to form the name of blasphemy jesus. (modern day Kazar Jews of Zionist Israel today have sold this to the decieved messianic movement so their rabbis can control the world wide religion of the ancient teachings of the mashiach)
And secondly the Name Ye is the correct beginning of YHVH to its ancient roots of the black Hebrew movement.
Also the name SHU is yeshuwa or yashua or any other false pronounciation of SHU in any name of the mashiach is the egyptian sky god of spiritual sodom and egypt.. google the word shu and see for your self..
wake up Nathan.. you have been sold a lie, and any defense of the movement that sold you that lie is just your stubborness. Break through your uncircumcised heart and see the lie for what it is, and your father satan will reveal himself to you, then make a choice whom you will serve, him and his ministers of righteousness, or the narrow and straight path that few have the courage or instinct to seek, let alone follow.
Take Courage Nathan, the deception is greater than you realise, if it wasnt, the mashiach wouldnt have warned those that are seeking to enter..
To Robert Wentzel
Robert, the black people of Africa (which is a false name from Catholism), were the original descendants of the ancient Israelites.
Todays so called jews in Israel are pagan, very false and the greatest pretenders behind the Lie of Zionism, the illuminate and every other false evil of the jewish world today..
dont follow israel, The Father has divorced Yerusalem and thats final..
The jews are only implementing a man made covenant so that ultimately they can aquire the rich hundreds of trillions of dollars of mineral wealth under the dead sea and the jordan..
I challenge you to do your homework on the false state of Israel today.. its nothing but the blind leading the blind..
take care
Shalom again,
It seems from reading through this blog & meeting with numerous people who accept OSE 1 /KC as Scripture, that they CHOOSE to believe the LIE.
It doesn't matter how many PROOFS one presents from existing manuscripts, translations etc. they just DON'T SEE IT???!!! I have shown in this blog by quoting from OSE1 / KC how the publishers are lying, John you have shown from your studies of Revelation how they have twisted the Scriptures, added to it & taken away from it, Victor has shown that they used the World English Bible for most of their underlying source.... why do people still follow this & accept it as Scripture?
There is an Anti-Messiah Spirit behind this translation, it assists Satan in blinding the mind of those who believe it without investigating it.
The Publishers don't have manuscripts to back up their claims... they are arrogant, aggressive, & abusive liers.
The man behind the "translation" of OSE1 / KC, Ralph C. Bethea Jr. aka Rapha, deceives people with LIES of his experiences in the Middle- East & Africa. All of it LIES... it makes the hearer/s "FEEL GOOD", it STIRS their emotions, their SOUL & they confuse this with the Ruach HaQodesh. This has a "BLINDING" effect... & allows Satan's false rulership to enter into their lives, they are accepting the DEMONIC ANOINTING behind OSE1 / KC to enter their lives.
The Ruach HaQodesh does not work like this, on emotions , He CONVICTS & brings SORROW unto REPENTANCE & allows us to live in His Kingdom.
I dare the believers in OSE1 / KC to ask Rapha to show the manuscripts, guess what, he won't... it is NON-EXISTENT! ...but he will talk you into a corner, debate you & change the subject & jump from the issue to a different issue... & you will FEEL GOOD, you will feel the "anointing", it will stir within you, (actually your emotions being stirred by his false stories), your hair may even "stand-up" over your body... slowly he is releasing a DEMONIC force over you... GET OUT! You are being blinded by the god of this World.