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2024 Printable Calendar
For those who would like to find out about coming festivals and new moon days, and also those who want to do their planning for the year, taking into account the Scriptural reckoning of days, weeks, months and years, we have published a 2023 calendar, based on the best available information.
Please click here to view … or print out a copy for yourself, if you prefer.
New Moons 2020 to 2030
Latest Shabbat Teachings
Click on any of the most recent posts below with written and audio teachings on a variety of topics, both in English and Afrikaans: Torah Study Groups
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This week’s Torah Reading
Please click here to view or print out a copy for yourself, if you prefer, of the complete list of Torah Parashot (Torah Portions) for the current reading cycle. The Torah reading cycle traditionally begins on the Shabbat following Yom Shemini (The Eighth Day), which will be in our months of September or October. The backbone of this reading cycle are the five books of the Torah: Bereshit, Shemot, Wayyikra, Bemidbar and Devarim.
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WeG for Cellphones
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Latest Emails Received
Click on any of the most recent Emails, below. The complete Email page features valuable information on a large variety of questions and Biblical subjects, both in English and Afrikaans:-
GR, Suid-Kaap In jou boodskap 'n ruk gelede oor Israel en Ons, het jy gesê dat ons, as gelowiges hier… Read more…
CV, Location Unknown What I've read here is the best news I have received in a long time. I am… Read more…
TK, Location Unknown What sources are there on your website about the rapture? COMMENTS Here are some of the articles… Read more…
EJ, Hermon Is die 20 and 21 September 2022 Shabatte? KOMMENTAAR Ek het nou gaan kyk. Die 21ste September (gister)… Read more…
TK, Location Unknown Please would you tell me how Tuesday the 27th September is determined for the visible sighting of… Read more…
DJ, Noordkaap Ons is tans besig om Romeine deur te werk juis omdat daardie boek so baie buite konteks aangehaal… Read more…
YM, Gauteng Ek wil baie graag die Woord en Getuienis boek ontvang. Ek het as kind in die AGS kerk… Read more…
Latest Blog Entries
Click on any of the most recent Blog entries below, touching on a variety of subjects with regards to matters of belief:-
In a world in which our minds are often flooded with pictures of despair, corruption and sorrow, it is just… Read more…
Van die verdeling van die Dag tot die verdeling van die Liggaam van die Messias
Die saak waaroor dit hier gaan is die onsekerheid oor die presiese periode waarin "spesiale" dae soos die Sabbat en… Read more…
Psalm 51 en die maand van Elul
Die sesde maand, of die maand van Elul, wat normaalweg uit 29 of 30 dae binne ons maande van Augustus… Read more…
The slaughtering of the Passover lamb
There are believers in Y’shua Messiah who are convinced that we should continue to slaughter a Pesach or Passover lamb,… Read more…
Anyone reading through some of the articles on this site will soon notice that we are trying to acknowledge and… Read more…
New Moon: Visible or Invisible?
Many believers seem to have questions concerning the correct way of determining the day of the new moon. Should one… Read more…
Die tien dae tussen Yom Teruah (ook bekend as die Trompettefees) en Yom Kippur (of Dag van Versoening) staan in… Read more…
My eie pad van geloof kan in baie opsigte as 'n woestynpad beskryf word (op die 22 ste Desember 2012… Read more…
Those with a fair knowledge of the church scene in South Africa, will have come across the word “celebration”, somewhere… Read more…
Recent Comments
- Marianne Greyling on WAG OP YAHWEH: “ShalomWag op Yah beteken vir my, dat ons in die Nuwe Yerushalaim i vrede kan woon en Hom alleen kan…” Dec 4, 21:26
- Jurgens Weber on Torah Study Groups: “Hi Sammy. Were you able to find or start a group in Bellville? If you did I would love to…” Dec 3, 17:27
- James Coetzee on Torah Study Groups: “I have been studying the Hebrew text of the Torah and Tanak and would like to lurn more.” Nov 24, 10:05
- Craig Stevenson on Torah Study Groups: “Can you add our details to your finder listATFOTC Ministries (httpw:// & Carlien StevensonNorthern Suburbs Bellville/Durbanville 0826503405We live stream…” Nov 15, 13:37
Tag Archives: set apart
Die onderwerp van die Gees van Yahweh (kortweg: “die Gees”) is gewoonlik ‘n onderwerp wat met sterk emosie belaai is, maar dikwels ook in ‘n wolk van misterie en groot misverstand gehul is. In sommige kringe word daar op ‘n manier oor die Gees gepraat wat die indruk skep dat interaksie en gesprekke met, en … Continue reading
Iemand het eenmaal gesê: Religion is not what many people think it is: mute, marginal and mild. It is like fire, it warms but it also burns. And we are the guardians of the flame. Die tema van vuur verskyn in al drie die leesgedeeltes wat vir hierdie week voorgestel word: Lev 10; 2 Sam … Continue reading
Dit is interessant om kennis te neem van die punte van oorvleueling tussen die drie gedeeltes van hierdie week se Torah leesprogram – Levitikus 9-11, Esegiël 36-37 en Matteus 3:11-17. Levitikus beklemtoon die aspek van reinheid in die oë van Yahweh en bevat onder meer ‘n hele hoofstuk oor rein en onrein kosse (Lev 11). … Continue reading
0Ezek 45:18 Thus said the Master Yahweh, “In the first month, on the first of the new moon, you are to take a young bull, a perfect one, and shall cleanse the set-apart place. ” A perfect offer is to be brought before Yahweh in this time before Pesach (and during). While we don’t have … Continue reading
Ons het verlede week gesien dat die bekende woord “heilig” nie reg laat geskied aan die Hebreeuse begrip “kadosh” nie en probeer uitvind wat dit beteken om afgesonder te wees en ook ‘n paar sleutels van afgesonderdheid – slegs in Lev 19 en 20 – geïdentifiseer. Sleutels wat met respek en naasteliefde en die Shabbat … Continue reading
When the word “holy” is used in everyday life, people usually understand it to mean pious or morally good or righteous. However, when looking at the original words used in Hebrew and Greek, “holy” is not a proper translation of those words and “pious” and “righteous” are not the proper meanings of those words, either. … Continue reading
Die Torah leesstuk van hierdie week begin met een van die kragtigste en mees kernagtige uitsprake in die hele Torah: “Afgesonder moet julle wees, want Ek, Yahweh julle Elohiem, is afgesonder” (Lev 19:2). Dit herinner ‘n mens baie sterk aan die woorde van die Messias in sy bekende bergrede, toe Hy probeer het om die … Continue reading
Daar is veral twee woorde wat gereeld voorkom in die Torah leesstuk van hierdie week: Die woorde “bloed” en “afgesonder”. Die woord “bloed” kom 20 keer voor in Wayyikra (Levitikus) 16 tot 18 en die woord “afgesonder” 12 keer. Dis veral die tema van BLOED wat mense se verbeelding van die vroegste tye af aangegryp … Continue reading
Scriptures abound with references to the fact that Yahweh is set-apart and that the things and the people and the actions associated with him, should also be set-apart. Most of us have not always known and used the word “set-apart”. Instead, we were taught to refer to this aspect as “holy” or “holiness”. Even in … Continue reading