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2024 Printable Calendar
For those who would like to find out about coming festivals and new moon days, and also those who want to do their planning for the year, taking into account the Scriptural reckoning of days, weeks, months and years, we have published a 2023 calendar, based on the best available information.
Please click here to view … or print out a copy for yourself, if you prefer.
New Moons 2020 to 2030
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This week’s Torah Reading
Please click here to view or print out a copy for yourself, if you prefer, of the complete list of Torah Parashot (Torah Portions) for the current reading cycle. The Torah reading cycle traditionally begins on the Shabbat following Yom Shemini (The Eighth Day), which will be in our months of September or October. The backbone of this reading cycle are the five books of the Torah: Bereshit, Shemot, Wayyikra, Bemidbar and Devarim.
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WeG for Cellphones
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Click on any of the most recent Emails, below. The complete Email page features valuable information on a large variety of questions and Biblical subjects, both in English and Afrikaans:-
GR, Suid-Kaap In jou boodskap 'n ruk gelede oor Israel en Ons, het jy gesê dat ons, as gelowiges hier… Read more…
CV, Location Unknown What I've read here is the best news I have received in a long time. I am… Read more…
TK, Location Unknown What sources are there on your website about the rapture? COMMENTS Here are some of the articles… Read more…
EJ, Hermon Is die 20 and 21 September 2022 Shabatte? KOMMENTAAR Ek het nou gaan kyk. Die 21ste September (gister)… Read more…
TK, Location Unknown Please would you tell me how Tuesday the 27th September is determined for the visible sighting of… Read more…
DJ, Noordkaap Ons is tans besig om Romeine deur te werk juis omdat daardie boek so baie buite konteks aangehaal… Read more…
YM, Gauteng Ek wil baie graag die Woord en Getuienis boek ontvang. Ek het as kind in die AGS kerk… Read more…
Latest Blog Entries
Click on any of the most recent Blog entries below, touching on a variety of subjects with regards to matters of belief:-
In a world in which our minds are often flooded with pictures of despair, corruption and sorrow, it is just… Read more…
Van die verdeling van die Dag tot die verdeling van die Liggaam van die Messias
Die saak waaroor dit hier gaan is die onsekerheid oor die presiese periode waarin "spesiale" dae soos die Sabbat en… Read more…
Psalm 51 en die maand van Elul
Die sesde maand, of die maand van Elul, wat normaalweg uit 29 of 30 dae binne ons maande van Augustus… Read more…
The slaughtering of the Passover lamb
There are believers in Y’shua Messiah who are convinced that we should continue to slaughter a Pesach or Passover lamb,… Read more…
Anyone reading through some of the articles on this site will soon notice that we are trying to acknowledge and… Read more…
New Moon: Visible or Invisible?
Many believers seem to have questions concerning the correct way of determining the day of the new moon. Should one… Read more…
Die tien dae tussen Yom Teruah (ook bekend as die Trompettefees) en Yom Kippur (of Dag van Versoening) staan in… Read more…
My eie pad van geloof kan in baie opsigte as 'n woestynpad beskryf word (op die 22 ste Desember 2012… Read more…
Those with a fair knowledge of the church scene in South Africa, will have come across the word “celebration”, somewhere… Read more…
Recent Comments
- Author on About Us: “Middag Yvette. Ons het ‘n Skype uitsending van al ons dienste – tans net in klank, maar hopelik binnekort met…” Nov 2, 18:12
- Yvette Pieterse on About Us: “Goeie Middag,Ek woon in Heidelberg, Gauteng. Ek wil net graag uitvind of julle op Shabbat ‘n lewendige Zoom uitsending het…” Nov 2, 12:40
- Amelia Schoeman on Torah Study Groups: “Goeie dag Ek is nog nuut met die Torah. Ek is ‘n lid van die Minorah Tabernakel. Ek wil graag…” Oct 30, 08:19
- Amelia Schoeman on Torah Study Groups: “Goeie dag, ek is opsoek na ‘n Torah studie groep in Pretoria Oos wat dit vir my kan leer in…” Oct 30, 08:16
- Salomon on Torah Study Groups: “Hi Keller and Sammy, we also would llike to join a Torah study group/congregation who are keeping the Shabbat. And…” Oct 28, 03:14
Tag Archives: scriptures
13 April 2024
Today we shall continue with our 66 statements of belief, based upon selected passages from the 66 books of the Bible. Let us keep in mind the two principles that need to be applied, when taking on the task of articulating one’s belief. Firstly, belief is primarily supposed to be expressed by means of a … Continue reading
Meeste van ons het al iets in die Skrif raak gelees wat ‘n mens laat wonder of dit wat jy so pas gelees het, nie ‘n fout is nie. Of daar nie dalk iets weggelaat of verander of verkeerd weergegee is nie. Want dit strook nie met hoe jy die res van die Skrif verstaan … Continue reading
In the Torah reading schedule that we use, this week’s portion starts at Lev 6:1, but this is according to the verse numbering followed in the Hebrew Bible. In most of the Bible translations, the verse numbering is slightly different and Parasha “Tzav” starts with Lev 6:8, not Lev 6:1. The parashah covering Leviticus 6-8, … Continue reading
The knowledge of Scriptures
The reformation of the 16th century was famous for its slogan Sola Scriptura, which means “The Scriptures only” and was intended to introduce a new approach whereby the Biblical Scriptures would become the single most important factor in the formulation and expression of belief. Sadly, this plan to restore the Biblical Scriptures to its proper … Continue reading
Verse weggelaat in WeG
AH, Gauteng Ek het n vragie wat vir my verwarrend is! Mensies wou die Woord en Getuienis bestel en toe ondersoek hul of daar niks weggelaat is uit die Skrif nie,soos wat daar by baie vertalings gevind is! Hul sien toe die eerste Skrif wat weggelaat is is Hand 8:37! Toe wil hul nie meer … Continue reading
Die weglating van sommige tekste
SF, Bloemfontein In die Woord en Getuienis sien ek by heelwat van die teksverwysings haal jul aan, byvoorbeeld in Yah 8:11″oorspronkik nie deel van hierdie boek nie, maar uit ‘n ander (betroubare) bron afkomstig is en later hier ingevoeg.” Na watter betroubare bron verwys jul as jul die aanhaling gebruik. Ek sien dat dit op … Continue reading
Die benaming “Bybel”
BK, Midrand Ek het agter gekom dat jy doelbewus die woord “bybel” vermy. Kan jy dalk vir my sê hoekom? Volgens wikipedia (en ander) is die betekenis lyk my slegs “boek” wat dan eintlik dieselfde is as die woord “Skrif” wat jy gebruik, dan nie? According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word bible is … Continue reading
We are seeing all kinds of statements and declarations with regards to COVID-19 in the media and almost every single day more of these declarations are added. To mention just a few of these – the following have come up instantly in a quick Google search: Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on measures to combat … Continue reading
The Translation of the New Testament, with special reference to the Afrikaans Translation called Woord en Getuienis
It is a known fact that the various available manuscripts containing texts relating to the Old Covenant Scriptures, are relatively unanimous and agree largely with one another. However, the same can definitely not be said with regards to the New Covenant or Messianic Scriptures. Some scholars estimate that there are far more than 200 000 … Continue reading
There was a man who lived in the second century (he was born approximately 100 years after the birth of Y’shua of Nazareth) who started a religious movement based almost entirely on the letters of Shaúl (Paul). This movement (or perhaps we should rather call it a particular understanding of Scriptures) was condemned by the … Continue reading
Halleluyah Scriptures
YS, Parys EK weet nie of jy dalk my kan raad gee,Het jy dalk enige kennis oor die Halleluyah Scriptures? Ek het reviews gaan kyk en hulle se dis die naaste aan die oorspronklike Paleo Hebrews wat daar is. KOMMENTAAR Ek weet van die Halleluyah Scriptures maar het dit nog nie onder oë gehad nie. … Continue reading
“If I’m gonna tell a real story, I’m gonna start with my name.” Kendrick Lamar. “Your true name has the secret power to call you.” Vera Nazarian. “One mistake of the previous Telugu translations is that the Name of the Creator and His Son were either mistransliterated or covered up with a title.” Preface of … Continue reading
I was involved in an email conversation this week with someone who was concerned about the fact that Woord en Getuienis has left out a complete verse from the text of Matthew chapter 18. The verse in question is verse 11 and it reads: “For the Son of man (Son of Adam) is come to … Continue reading
Ek geniet dit om te probeer uitvind waar spreekwoorde vandaan kom. Daar is seker nie baie mense wat weet waar die spreekwoord “So waar as padda manel dra” vandaan kom nie. ‘n Mens sê dit gewoonlik as iets baie seker of baie definitief is, byvoorbeeld: “So waar as padda manel dra, die Kaap is een … Continue reading
Een van die grootste struikelblokke op die pad waarin mense die Torah weer déél van hulle lewe probeer maak, is die manier waarop daar van die Torah iets geweldig kompleks en ingewikkeld gemaak word. Dit loop gewoonlik uit op ‘n gestry oor onbenullighede en eindelose haarklowery en koppe stamp oor dinge wat niks met die … Continue reading
Waarom is Hand 8:37 uitgelaat?
GA, Gauteng Verduidelik asseblief vir my hoekom die ou vertaling Hand. 8:37 bevat as teks en nie die Woord en Getuienis nie. Watter oorspronklike teks praat julle van? Is dit ‘n skrywe voor die 1933 vertaling? Kommentaar: Ek gaan probeer om kortliks te antwoord, maar jy is baie welkom om weer terug te kom na … Continue reading
Vertaling van “The Word of Yah”
JD, Kaapstad Ek het pas jou epos (oor “The Word of Yah”) gesien. Het jy die eerste 33 bladsye aan die begin (voor die Skrif begin) bestudeer en die stuk aan die einde (47 bladsye)? Ek moes eers daardeur werk, sodat ek kon verstaan van watter hoek af die ouens kom en ek is BAIE … Continue reading
View on Scriptures
If you have landed here by accident and is really looking for our Home Page, click here. We believe that both the Pre-Messianic Scriptures (Old Testament) and the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament) are inspired by Yahweh, the Almighty. At the same time we are fully aware of the fact that many of the modern translations … Continue reading
Ek wonder hoeveel mense wat meen dat hulle die Skrif ken, sal dadelik weet wáár in die Skrif, en in watter konteks, daar van “die huis van die kaalvoet” gepraat word (Engels: “the house of the man who had his shoe removed”). Anders as wat ‘n mens sou dink, kom dit in ‘n konteks voor … Continue reading
Daar is die laaste tyd ‘n hernude stryd rondom die betroubaarheid en die integriteit van die Woord van Yahweh. ‘n Nuwe vertaling van die Skrif (slegs die Nuwe Verbond of Nuwe Testament) het verlede jaar die lig gesien en iemand het vir my ‘n kopie as geskenk gegee en gevra dat ek moet sê wat … Continue reading
The quest for the Original Scriptures
There’s a new translation of the “Original Scriptures” of the New (or Renewed) Covenant being circulated among Messianic and Torah observant believers. It is called “The Word of Yah – the King’s Covenant”, also referred to as OSE1 and the compilers claim that this work is translated, among others, from 1st century manuscripts called Restoration … Continue reading
Ek het die afgelope week ‘n interessante omsend-epos van Nehemia Gordon ontvang waarin hy ‘n hele paar onderwerpe aanraak – onder meer Kersfees, die Amerikaanse “Day of Thanksgiving” (wat terloops twee dae gelede, op Don 25 November gevier is) en die neiging wat mens deesdae by baie Torah-gesindes aantref om Hebreeuse woorde links en regs … Continue reading
A recent article in the Time Magazine was entitled “What the Bible Has to Say About Sex.” The article was based upon a book by Michael Coogan on the same topic, in which he looked into questions like “Does the Bible have a positive attitude towards sex?”; “Is polygamy sanctioned in the Bible?”; “What is … Continue reading