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2025 Printable Calendar
For those who would like to find out about coming festivals and new moon days, and also those who want to do their planning for the year, taking into account the Scriptural reckoning of days, weeks, months and years, we have published a calendar, based on the best available information.
Please click here to view … or print out a copy for yourself, if you prefer.
New Moons 2020 to 2030
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This week’s Torah Reading
Please click here to view or print out a copy for yourself, if you prefer, of the complete list of Torah Parashot (Torah Portions) for the current reading cycle. The Torah reading cycle traditionally begins on the Shabbat following Yom Shemini (The Eighth Day), which will be in our months of September or October. The backbone of this reading cycle are the five books of the Torah: Bereshit, Shemot, Wayyikra, Bemidbar and Devarim.
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Latest Emails Received
Click on any of the most recent Emails, below. The complete Email page features valuable information on a large variety of questions and Biblical subjects, both in English and Afrikaans:-
GR, Suid-Kaap In jou boodskap 'n ruk gelede oor Israel en Ons, het jy gesê dat ons, as gelowiges hier… Read more…
CV, Location Unknown What I've read here is the best news I have received in a long time. I am… Read more…
TK, Location Unknown What sources are there on your website about the rapture? COMMENTS Here are some of the articles… Read more…
EJ, Hermon Is die 20 and 21 September 2022 Shabatte? KOMMENTAAR Ek het nou gaan kyk. Die 21ste September (gister)… Read more…
TK, Location Unknown Please would you tell me how Tuesday the 27th September is determined for the visible sighting of… Read more…
DJ, Noordkaap Ons is tans besig om Romeine deur te werk juis omdat daardie boek so baie buite konteks aangehaal… Read more…
YM, Gauteng Ek wil baie graag die Woord en Getuienis boek ontvang. Ek het as kind in die AGS kerk… Read more…
Latest Blog Entries
Click on any of the most recent Blog entries below, touching on a variety of subjects with regards to matters of belief:-
In a world in which our minds are often flooded with pictures of despair, corruption and sorrow, it is just… Read more…
Van die verdeling van die Dag tot die verdeling van die Liggaam van die Messias
Die saak waaroor dit hier gaan is die onsekerheid oor die presiese periode waarin "spesiale" dae soos die Sabbat en… Read more…
Psalm 51 en die maand van Elul
Die sesde maand, of die maand van Elul, wat normaalweg uit 29 of 30 dae binne ons maande van Augustus… Read more…
The slaughtering of the Passover lamb
There are believers in Y’shua Messiah who are convinced that we should continue to slaughter a Pesach or Passover lamb,… Read more…
Anyone reading through some of the articles on this site will soon notice that we are trying to acknowledge and… Read more…
New Moon: Visible or Invisible?
Many believers seem to have questions concerning the correct way of determining the day of the new moon. Should one… Read more…
Die tien dae tussen Yom Teruah (ook bekend as die Trompettefees) en Yom Kippur (of Dag van Versoening) staan in… Read more…
My eie pad van geloof kan in baie opsigte as 'n woestynpad beskryf word (op die 22 ste Desember 2012… Read more…
Those with a fair knowledge of the church scene in South Africa, will have come across the word “celebration”, somewhere… Read more…
Recent Comments
- Johan on Die verskil tussen ‘n Jood en ‘n Israeliet: “Ek is jammer maar daar is drie verskille wat ek het met bogenoemde artiekel.1 Rut is beslis nie n Moabiet…” Jan 5, 22:09
- Author on Scriptural Calendar: “Morning Nella. My apologies for the calendar not being available yet. Hoping to post it here before the end of…” Dec 20, 06:13
- Nella van der Merwe on Scriptural Calendar: “I so appreciate your yearly calendar. Will we soon be able to print your calendar for 2025 ? I am…” Dec 19, 15:09
- Nella van der Merwe on Scriptural Calendar: “I so appreciate your yearly calendar but of course now looking for 2025, the year 2024 is fast passing and…” Dec 19, 14:57
- Lillian Bell on Torah Study Groups: “I am looking for like minded people with whom I can spend Shabbat near me. I live in Vierfontein, that’s…” Dec 19, 13:19
Tag Archives: life
Many people do not know a lot about the feasts that are associated with the Jews but even among these, the majority would have heard about Yom Kippur. They usually know that it is a day of fasting. Sometimes they will even share and laugh at some of the typical jokes about this day. Like … Continue reading
Hy is lewe – Hy gee lewe, Hy is ons Lewende Water! Teen einde Julie is ‘n mens en die mense om jou gewoonlik moeg, oorlaai met stres, verlies, werk, finansies of net angstigheid vir dit wat rondom ons gebeur. Dis moeilik om jouself op te trek en te fokus op dit wat voorlê en … Continue reading
Die boeke van 1 en 2 Kronieke word miskien nie so gereeld soos die Psalms gelees nie, maar daar is iets besonders in hierdie boeke vir ons opgesluit. Baie mense het al gewonder waar die naam “kronieke” vandaan kom. Almal van ons onthou vir Gus Portokalos, die pa van die “bride to be” in “My … Continue reading
Die normale manier waarop ‘n nuwe maand in die Skrif aangedui word, is deur die woord “chodesh” wat letterlik “nuut” beteken en as ‘n afkorting vir “die nuwe maan” gebruik word. ‘n Skriftuurlike maand lê presies tussen twee opeenvolgende nuwemane en dis opvallend dat hierdie maan-siklus (en maand-siklus) ‘n mens nogal baie sterk herinner aan … Continue reading
Sherlock Holmes is bekend vir sy slim speurwerk en vir sy gevatte sêgoed in sy gesprekke met sy vriend en assistent, Dr Watson. In een van die beroemde gesprekke waarin hierdie twee ʼn moordraaisel probeer oplos het, het Sherlock Holmes vir Dr Watson gesê: “Ek wil jou aandag vestig op die buitengewone insident van die … Continue reading
Die Skriftuurlike voorskrif oor die rooi koei (Engels: “red heifer”), sonder enige gebrek, wat buitekant die kamp geslag en verbrand moet word en waarvan die verbrande as met vars water gemeng moet word wat dan as reinigingswater sal dien vir iemand wat met ʼn dooie in aanraking gekom het, is een van die moeilikste dele … Continue reading
Death is a subject that many people try to avoid as much as possible. Many of us prefer not to think about death any more that what is absolutely necessary. Maybe it is the finality of death, maybe it is the unknown that lies beyond death, maybe it is the unspoken fear of not making … Continue reading
Respek vir die Lewe
Die bekende teoloog, Albert Schweitzer, is hierdie week 140 jaar gelede in Kaisersberg, Duitsland gebore. Hy is vyftig jaar gelede oorlede, maar hy word tot vandag toe nog erken vir ‘n hele aantal bydraes wat ‘n besondere impak op die wêreld gemaak het. Hy was iemand met ‘n wye ervaringsveld en het hom toegespits op … Continue reading
Die Instituut vir Sekerheid Studies het die afgelope week die 2013/14 Misdaad Statistieke vir Suid-Afrika bekendgemaak. Die resultate van hierdie verslag is, om die minste te sê, verbysterend. Sommige ontleders het na aanleiding van die moord statistiek gesê Suid-Afrika het nou in ‘n volbloed “war-zone” verander. 47 mense word per dag in Suid-Afrika vermoor en, … Continue reading
Die naam van die parashah vir hierdie week is “Pinchas” en dit verwys na Pinchas (of Piengas) wat sy spies geneem het en ‘n man en ‘n vrou in ‘n tent deurboor het. Die man was ‘n Yiesraéliet (‘n leier uit die stam van Shiemón) wat openlik gesondig het en gemeenskap met ‘n Midianitiese vrou … Continue reading
Most of us have probably heard the song by John Lennon entitled “Imagine”. The words of this song has caused a lot of controversy over the years and may indeed be the main reason why Lennon was shot dead by Mark Chapman in 1980, when Lennon was only 40 years old. Chapman claimed that he … Continue reading
Daar is soveel simboliek van nuwe lewe wat na vore kom as ‘n mens na die gebeure kyk wat met die Israeliete se uittog uit Egipte gepaard gegaan het. Dieselfde bonatuurlike ingryping van Yahweh wat gelei het tot die dood van die eersgeborenes van Egipte, het gelei tot LEWE (of die behoud/bewaring van lewe) van … Continue reading
Die grootste gawe wat elkeen van ons uit die hand van die Almagtige ontvang het, is die geskenk van lewe. Niks anders kan daarmee vergelyk word nie. Om voluit te lewe is ‘n ingeboude begeerte van elke mens en daar is nie ‘n groep mense wat hierdie begeerte en hierdie ideaal beter verstaan en sterker … Continue reading
Someone posted a very good question on the Elim Blog about two weeks ago: “According to the Torah we are not allowed to consume blood. However, at the last supper, Y’shua gave the cup to his disciples and told them that it is his blood. Was he not contradicting the Torah by doing that?” From … Continue reading
We have seen that Sukkot is a feast of joy. Funny that the book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes / Prediker) is traditionally seen as a fitting book to read during the feast of Sukkot. Many people feel that Ecclesiastes is a depressing book. It begins with the words “All is futile” (1:2) and it ends with … Continue reading
What do people consider to be the essence of life? This question proves to be quite interesting. The word “essence” is defined by dictionaries as “the basic and true nature of something” or “the most distinctive element of something” or “the innermost being of someone or something”. A search of the internet will reveal a … Continue reading
There is an increasing number of people lately who have chosen to follow Scriptures more accurately than what the Church has done over many centuries. Every now and then these people are confronted with a so called “truth” or “revelation”, or perhaps just a statement by someone in a position of authority, that comes across … Continue reading