We have a variety of resources available in Audio and/or Video format. Previously we have distributed CD’s and DVD’s containing teachings, training material, songs and other resources. However, with the rapid advance in digital technology, CD’s and DVD’s have become outdated and we have discontinued the use and distribution of these disks. Our preferred method of distributing audiovisual materials is the use of memory sticks or flash drives. Our repertoire of Audio and video files (MP3 and MP4) is too large to upload to our website, which means that at this time we are unable to simply make these materials available online.
In our Online Shop, under the submenu, Audio and Video, users may order preselected collections of Audio and Video materials from us. With each collections that is ordered, a flash drive containing approximately 2GB of data will be dispatched via courier as soon as possible. We trust that this new feature within our Online Shop will help meeting the growing need to become more equipped in the knowledge of the Word of Yahweh!