Torah Reading Cycle

alternate textThere is an increasing number of Biblical believers nowadays who enjoy following the traditional Torah Reading Cycle, based upon the five books of the Torah, Bereshit (Gen), Shemot (Ex), Vayyikra (Lev), Bemidbar (Num) and Devarim (Deut), but also including suggested readings (Haftarah portions) from other parts of the Tanak or Old Testament, as well as suggested portions from the New Testament. This suggested reading cycle for one year, is often referred to as the Parashot – plural of Parashah. The reading of these portions is not a Biblical commandment but a great help for those who are serious about increasing their knowledge of Torah and reading through Scriptures systematically. The page below contains the suggested Reading Cycle for the current year. The Torah reading cycle traditionally begins on the Shabbat following Yom Shemini (The Eighth Day), which will be in our months of September or October.

You may click here to access the most recent Torah Reading Cycle.