Vision and Focus

Our vision as a fellowship is closely related to our view of Scriptures as described elsewhere. Our vision is also reflected and intertwined within the pages and posts of this website. The following may serve as a few pointers in this regard:


  • We realize that through the centuries the church has to a large extend lost many of the essential truths that once were the secrets of the vitality and vibrancy of the body of the early believers.
  • We realize that the entity called “Christian church” today is not necessarily the same as what is described in Scriptures as the bride, “set-apart and without blemish”, that will meet the Bridegroom in the near future.
  • We realize that the human desire for comfort, security, significant numbers, emotional expression and even ecstasy have become far more important today than the desires of Yahweh as they are clearly and straightforwardly revealed in Scriptures.
  • Our vision is to seek Yahweh’s guidance in making a contribution that may help to restore these lost values and prepare the bride (or any part of the bride) for the coming of the Bridegroom. Our aim is not to engage in any action or ministry that deviates in any way from the counsel of the Spirit of Yahweh, in accordance with the core teachings of Scriptures.
  • We realize, on the other hand, the danger of not being watchful and prayerful enough and thus not sensing the urging of the Spirit to move in a certain direction. Knowing that the Spirit is none other than the Spirit of Yahweh, and that our Father would never lead his children in a direction that is contrary to the direction already shown in Scriptures, we have been able to formulate four overall goals which represent both the guidance of the Spirit and the direction of the Word as we understand it at this point in time. For the sake of memory by association, each one of these four goals is linked to a different letter of the name of our fellowship, ELIM Ministries.

We are constantly in the process of finding appropriate practical ways to put these goals into practice. In this regard, too, we need to be very sensitive to the guidance of Yahweh’s Spirit. The following are just a few of the ways in which we hope to accomplish the goals mentioned above:

1. Teaching and exploring the undiluted truth of Scriptures in our weekly Sabbath meetings and other meetings, including the Scriptural Feast Days, not only in Fish Hoek, but elsewhere too, as new believers come together in homes and small groups, and also as new fellowships come into existence.
2. Presenting seminars and teaching sessions to interest groups elsewhere.
3. Establishing a network of like-minded teachers and believers with the aim of mutual encouragement, discussion, interaction, intercession and cooperation.
4. Making available resource material (Scriptures, Books, DVD’s, CD’s, Music, etc) and providing advice and spiritual direction with regards to various categories of Scriptural interpretation. All of this is aimed at the following groups of people:

a. Those who see themselves as part of Elim Ministries but are currently living elsewhere
b. Those who identify with our vision but are unable to attend our meetings
c. Those who do not have access to these kind of resources and want to know more
d. Those who are unfulfilled and disillusioned with the life and teaching of their church
e. Those outside the church who are hungry for truth and meaning in life