PN, Duiwelskloof
First, let me say your website is very informative. However, I need information regarding the seven “High Sabbaths”. Which dates are they and what are to be done on these Sabbaths?
We have a calendar on our website on which all the annual feast days or “High Sabbaths” are shown. Two of the high sabbaths were in April this year (19 and 25 April 2013), one in June (12 June 2013), one will be on 30 September 2013 and the remaining three will all be in October.
What do we need to do on these days? Well, first of all, it is my conviction that we need to recognize them and keep them – in some way or other. These seven days are also set aside as days on which no occupational work is to be done. It seems that the main reason for this restriction is to enable everyone to prepare for, and attend the feast or, more correctly, the assembly associated with each feast. It is not possible to keep the feasts the same way they were kept in ancient times. We are not in Israel, we don’t have a temple and we do not bring physical sacrafices anymore. However, these days are still valid as Yahweh’s appointed times and we still need to honour them. When we come together for these feasts here in Fish Hoek, we focus on the aspects that are typically connected to each of the feasts in the Scriptural passages where the feasts are described (like Lev 23). For Passover (or Pesach) and Unleavened Bread we will enjoy unleavened bread (matzo’s) and grape juice and focus on the exodus events, as well as Y’shua’s last supper with his disciples. We also have a feet washing ceremony to honour the example that the Messiah has set on this particular occasion. For Pentecost (or Shavuot) we will wave two loaves of bread, in accordance with what is written in Lev 23 and this symbolism has proved to have great significance for believers, being reminded of Yahweh’s faithfulness in providing in every need that we may have. For the feast of Trumpets we have a special emphasis on the blowing of shofars (rams horns) and will also remind one another that the coming of Messiah will coincide with the blowing of the last trumpet. On Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) we will fast for one full day (from sundown to sundown) and focus on repentance and forgiveness of sins. And on the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth) we make a point of “leaving” our homes and staying in tents or temporary dwellings – at least for some part of the eight days of this feast. It has now become a fixed item on our annual calendar to go for a camp at a nearby place during the feast of Tabernacles, also inviting others who would like to join us. On each of the seven high sabbaths we will have a “set apart assembly” as commanded in Lev 23.