Afrikaans Scriptures

In 2004 we have started with a project aimed at making available a translation of Scriptures in Afrikaans, as closely as possible to the original available text of both the “Old Testament” and “New Testament”, a translation in which all names of people and places (including the Names of the Father and his Son) have also been restored as correctly as possible. We have named this translation “Woord en Getuienis”. Because of the widespread demand for this Afrikaans translation, we have already seen four reprints and we shall continue to make Woord en Getuienis available through means that are both accessible and affordable. Woord en Getuienis is a translation in progress and with each new edition, minor corrections and changes are introduced, based, among other things, upon improved understanding, increase of knowledge and approved suggestions made by readers.

The translation of WeG is still pretty close to the OAV or Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling (1933/53) and also follows the literal translation method, but it does not necessarily follow OAV in every respect. There are many ways (far too many to specify here) in which WeG differs from OAV and, for that matter, from other translations. In cases where WeG have followed a “different route” of translation, this has always been inspired by the principle of representing the original text as accurately and as honestly as possible.

Go and have a look here to see the Introduction and other screenshots of some of the pages found in Woord en Getuienis.

Woord en Getuienis may be ordered from Elim Ministries. Please contact us or visit our Online Shop.